Sphinx 抑制特定警告?

Sphinx suppress specific warnings?

在构建我的文档时,我 运行 遇到了很多警告消息,例如:

/home/X/Y/src/core/include/math/bigintntl/transformntl.h:92: warning: documented empty return type of NTL::NumberTheoreticTransformNtl::ForwardTransformToBitReverseInPlace. 我想关闭与 X 相关的特定警告未记录。我该怎么做呢?我正在构建一个相当大的库的文档,在我们有时间返回并更新文档之前,这只会给我们的构建增加很多噪音。


   * In-place forward transform in the ring Z_q[X]/(X^n+1) with prime q and
   * power-of-two n s.t. 2n|q-1. Bit reversing indexes. [Algorithm 1 in
   * https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/504.pdf]
   * @param &rootOfUnityTable is the table with the n-th root of unity powers in
   * bit reverse order.
   * @param &element[in,out] is the input/output of the transform of type VecType and length n.
   * @return none
  void ForwardTransformToBitReverseInPlace(
      const VecType& rootOfUnityTable, VecType* element);

来自 OpenFHE library

.rst 文件如下所示(autodoxygenindex 是一个呼吸指令:https://breathe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/directives.html#autodoxygenindex):

Core Math Big Int NTL Documentation

.. autodoxygenindex::
   :project: core_math_bigintntl

conf.py 文件是 here

看来我的问题是 breatheregenerating the documentation because I was using a specific command. Unfortunately, this regeneration seemed to ignore the Doxyfile that was coming in. So, I had to manually pass in the relevant variables via breathe_doxygen_config_options See breathe config-values