
String interpolation with boolean formatting



double d = Math.PI;
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
bool isPartyTime = true;

string result = $"{d:0.0}, {now:HH:mm}, time to party? {isPartyTime}";

我可以为每个基本类型指定格式,但 bool 似乎除外。我知道我能做到:

string result = $"{d:0.0}, {now:HH:mm}, time to party? {(isPartyTime ? "yes!" : "no")}";



P.S。我确实搜索了一个答案,包括这个 link:




According to Microsoft,唯一具有格式字符串的数据类型是:

  • 日期和时间类型(DateTime, DateTimeOffset
  • 枚举类型(所有派生自System.Enum的类型)
  • 数值类型 (BigInteger, Byte, Decimal, Double, Int16, Int32, Int64, SByte, Single, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64)
  • Guid
  • TimeSpan

Boolean.ToString()只能return“真”或“假”。它甚至说,如果你需要将它写入 XML,你需要手动执行 ToLowerCase()(由于缺少字符串格式)。


public static class MyExtensions
    public static string ToYesNo(this bool boolValue)
        return boolValue ? "Yes" : "No";

static void Main(string[] args)
    var booleanValue = true;


使用 C# 10.0?只需使用字符串插值处理程序

Custom String Interpolation Handlers are documented here and here

(我还没有使用任何 C# 10.0 功能的经验,但我会在未来扩展这部分 - 现在我仍然停留在 C# 7.3 土地 由于我的 day-job 项目依赖于 .NET Framework 4.8)

使用 C# 1.0 到 C# 9.0?

Quick-fix: Boolean 包装结构

如果您控制 string-formatting call-sites,则只需更改 bool/Boolean 类型的值以使用 implicitly-convertible zero-overhead value-type 而不是,例如:

public readonly struct YesNoBoolean : IEquatable<YesNoBoolean>
    // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/user-defined-conversion-operators
    public static implicit operator Boolean  ( YesNoBoolean self ) => self.Value;
    public static implicit operator YesNoBoolean( Boolean value ) => new MyBoolean( value );

    // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/true-false-operators
    public static Boolean operator true( YesNoBoolean self ) => self.Value == true;
    public static Boolean operator false( YesNoBoolean self ) => self.Value == false;

    public YesNoBoolean( Boolean value )
        this.Value = value;

    public readonly Boolean Value;

    public override String ToString()
        return this.Value ? "Yes" : "No";

    // TODO: Override Equals, GetHashCode, IEquatable<YesNoBoolean>.Equals, etc.

因此您的示例 call-site 变为:

double d = Math.PI;
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
YesNoBoolean isPartyTime = true;  // <-- Yay for implicit conversion.

string result = $"{d:0.0}, {now:HH:mm}, time to party? {isPartyTime}";

result 将是 "3.1, 21:03, time to party? Yes"


因为Booleanstatic readonly String TrueString = "True";也标有initonly你不能用反射覆盖它,所以这样做:

typeof(Boolean).GetField( "TrueString" )!.SetValue( obj: null, value: "Yes" );


Cannot set initonly static field 'TrueString' after type 'System.Boolean' is initialized.


使用 IFormatProviderICustomFormatter:

始终可以通过提供自定义 IFormatProvider 来覆盖 String.Format 和内插字符串(例如 $"Hello, {world}")的格式化方式;虽然 String.Format 通过公开 Format 重载参数使它变得容易,但内插字符串不会,而是它迫使你稍微 uglify 你的代码。

  • IFormatProvider 的实现在 .NET 中(仍然)出人意料地不足。
    • 要记住的主要事情是 IFormatProvider.GetFormat(Type) 使用以下 3 个 formatType 参数之一调用:
      • typeof(DateTimeFormatInfo)
      • typeof(NumberFormatInfo)
      • typeof(ICustomFormatter)
    • 在整个 .NET BCL 中,没有其他 typeof() 类型被传递到 GetFormat(至少据 ILSpy 和 RedGate Reflector 告诉我).

魔法发生在 ICustomFormatter.Format 内部,实现起来很简单:

public class MyCustomFormatProvider : IFormatProvider
    public static readonly MyCustomFormatProvider Instance = new MyCustomFormatProvider();

    public Object? GetFormat( Type? formatType )
        if( formatType == typeof(ICustomFormatter) )
            return MyCustomFormatter.Instance;
        return null;

public class MyCustomFormatter : ICustomFormatter
    public static readonly MyCustomFormatter Instance = new MyCustomFormatter();

    public String? Format( String? format, Object? arg, IFormatProvider? formatProvider )
        // * `format` is the "aaa" in "{0:aaa}"
        // * `arg` is the single value 
        // * `formatProvider` will always be the parent instance of `MyCustomFormatProvider` and can be ignored.

        if( arg is Boolean b )
            return b ? "Yes" : "No";

        return null; // Returning null will cause .NET's composite-string-formatting code to fall-back to test `(arg as IFormattable)?.ToString(format)` and if that fails, then just `arg.ToString()`.

    public static MyFormat( this String format, params Object?[] args )
        return String.Format( Instance, format: format, arg: args );

...所以只需将 MyCustomFormatProvider.Instance 以某种方式传递给 String.Format,如下所示。

double d = Math.PI;
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
bool isPartyTime = true;

string result1 = String.Format( MyCustomFormatProvider.Instance, "{0:0.0}, {1:HH:mm}, time to party? {2}", d, now, isPartyTime );

// or add `using static MyCustomFormatProvider` and use `MyFormat` directly:
string result2 = MyFormat( "{0:0.0}, {1:HH:mm}, time to party? {2}", d, now, isPartyTime );

// or as an extension method:
string result3 = "{0:0.0} {1:HH:mm}, time to party? {2}".MyFormat( d, now, isPartyTime );

// Assert( result1 == result2 == result3 );

所以这适用于 String.Format,但是我们如何将 MyCustomFormatProvider 与 C# $"" 内插字符串一起使用...?

...好难,因为设计插值字符串特性的C#语言团队总是通过provider: null 所以所有值都使用它们的默认格式(通常是 Culture-specific),并且它们没有提供任何方法来 轻松地 指定自定义 IFormatProvider,即使有decades-old 静态代码分析rule against relying on implicit use of CurrentCulture(虽然微软打破自己的规则并不少见...)。

  • 不幸的是,覆盖 CultureInfo.CurrentCulture 将不起作用,因为 Boolean.ToString() 根本不使用 CultureInfo

困难源于 C# $"" 内插字符串 (i.e. they're formatted immediately) unless the $"" string expression is directly assigned to a variable or parameter typed as FormattableString or IFormattable, but infuriatingly this does not extend to extension methods (so public static String MyFormat( this FormattableString fs, ... ) won't work.

这里 唯一 可以做的事情是调用 String MyFormat( this FormattableString fs, ... ) 方法作为(语法上“正常”的)静态方法调用,尽管使用 using static MyFormattableStringExtensions 在某种程度上减少了人体工程学问题 - 即使 more-so 如果您使用 global-usings(这需要 C# 10.0,它已经支持自定义 interpolated-string 处理程序,所以这有点没有实际意义)。


public static class MyFormattableStringExtensions
    // The `this` modifier is unnecessary, but I'm retaining it just-in-case it's eventually supported.
    public static String MyFmt( this FormattableString fs )
        return fs.ToString( MyCustomFormatProvider.Instance );


using static MyFormattableStringExtensions;

// ...

double d = Math.PI;
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
bool isPartyTime = true;

string result = MyFmt( $"{d:0.0}, {now:HH:mm}, time to party? {isPartyTime}" );
Assert.AreEqual( result, "3.1, 23:05, time to party? Yes" );


  • 似乎除了在函数调用中包装内插字符串之外别无选择(如上面的 MyFmt( $"" )),有一个更简单的替代方法来实现 IFormatProviderICustomFormatter:直接编辑 FormattableString 的值参数数组。
  • 因为这种方法简单得多,所以如果您不需要在 String.Format(IFormatProvider, String format, ...).
  • 中格式化 Boolean 值,则更可取
  • 像这样:
public static class MyFormattableStringExtensions
    public static String MyFmt( this FormattableString fs )
        if( fs.ArgumentCount == 0 ) return fs.Format;
        Object?[] args = fs.GetArguments();
        for( Int32 i = 0; i < args.Length; i++ )
            if( args[i] is Boolean b )
                args[i] = b ? "Yes" : "No";
        return String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, fs.Format, arg: args  );


using static MyFormattableStringExtensions;

// ...

double d = Math.PI;
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
bool isPartyTime = true;

string result = MyFmt( $"{d:0.0}, {now:HH:mm}, time to party? {isPartyTime}" );
Assert.AreEqual( result, "3.1, 23:05, time to party? Yes" );