(已解决并卡住): Android Git Mac OS 的 Studio Bug 这一次,在 windows 中没问题

(Solved and Stuck): Android Studio Bug for Git for Mac OS this time, in windows it is fine



每次启动 Android Studio(现在是 Bumble Patch 2)时,我都会在 Git 设置部分看到 Git 文件夹未被识别为专用文件夹Git,或者我必须点击测试按钮才能获得它的版本。此处发布的问题底部有更多详细信息。

This time [Bumblebee patch 1 and one version before] Every time Android Studio is started, coming to this part of the setup for Git version control, shows that it is not installed and needs to be downloaded. A red line for the required Git version needed does not go away (see highlighted in red: Supported for Git 2.9), which obviously should go after the version of installed Git is known already.

OR It sometimes just needs for the test button to be clicked, and the version of Git that was not found before gets updated below button. Support for Git version 2.9 (should be read as Git version 2.09 and not 2.90? which is less than 2.17, but might be greater if seen otherwise, following the decimal rules), which I have installed, but is always required (and again it does not go away)? Why?

详情:- The Git fails to get configured by the user/Android Studio in Mac HighSierra.

更新:- 尝试查看以下link中的解决方案是否有效。 The solution I found, to be tried


$ git --version
git version 2.35.1


$ brew update
$ brew upgrade git
Running `brew update --preinstall`...
Warning: You are using macOS 10.13.
We (and Apple) do not provide support for this old version.
You will encounter build failures with some formulae.
Please create pull requests instead of asking for help on Homebrew's GitHub,
Twitter or any other official channels. You are responsible for resolving
any issues you experience while you are running this
old version.

Warning: git 2.35.1 already installed


然后我跟着 :- Official Site 使用安装文件提供最新更新。 [注意:- 它说将从它安装的最新版本是版本 2.33.0,低于我当前的版本:- 2.35.1]

好的一面是它会提供功能,直到它知道当前版本是 2.17

如有错误请指正。我的 GIT 版本是 2.35.1,但是我的 mac OS v 10.13 上的 Android Studio 不显示超过 2.17 的版本。

我现在认为 mac OS High Sierra 10.13 对 GIT 的支持不会超过 2.17 版。但是在Windows10,可能就没有版本冲突了,所以运行就顺利了。可能安装的更新版本高于那里要求的最低版本!

This 是安装在 Windows 10 OS 中的 Android Studio 中显示的当前 GIT 版本。这足以证明我必须购买另一台最新的昂贵 macOS 台式机或笔记本电脑。

但我可以避免购买的需要,我总是从命令行使用 GIT 或使用 GitHub Desktop for macOS.