如何使用 Mutex 同步访问 Kotlin Coroutine 中异步函数的结果?

How to gracefully access the results of asynchronous functions in Kotlin Coroutine with Mutex synchronously?

我想在IO线程中处理一些数据,需要在处理完成后访问最终数据。这是我的 Process 示例代码:

private class Process {
    private val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO)
    private val value: AtomicInteger = AtomicInteger(0)
    private val mutex = Mutex()

     * Do background task to change value.
    fun doIt() {
        scope.launch {
            println("SCOPE - start at ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
            mutex.withLock {
                println("Process - doIt start delay ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
                println("Process - value increase to $value")
            println("SCOPE - end at ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")

     * Get value sync.
    fun getValue(): Int {
        return runBlocking(scope.coroutineContext) {
            mutex.withLock {
                println("Process - getValue ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")

     * Reset value.
    fun reset() {
        runBlocking(scope.coroutineContext) {
            mutex.withLock {
                println("Process - value reset to ${value.get()}")


fun main() {
    val process = Process()
    repeat(100) {
        println("Start - ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
        val result = run {
            val count = process.getValue()
            if (count == 1) {
                println("Count - $count ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
            } else {
                println("Mutex failed in $it with $count")
        if (!result) return@main

我的预期结果日志是 100 个这样的片段:

Start - 1645717971970
Process - value reset to 0
SCOPE - start at 1645717972011
Process - doIt start delay 1645717972011
Process - value increase to 1
SCOPE - end at 1645717972034
Process - getValue 1645717972034
Count - 1 1645717972035


Start - 1645717971970
Process - value reset to 0
SCOPE - start at 1645717972011
Process - doIt start delay 1645717972011
Process - value increase to 1
SCOPE - end at 1645717972034
Process - getValue 1645717972034
Count - 1 1645717972035
Start - 1645717972035
Process - value reset to 0
SCOPE - start at 1645717972036
Process - doIt start delay 1645717972036
Process - value increase to 1
SCOPE - end at 1645717972049
Process - getValue 1645717972049
Count - 1 1645717972050
Start - 1645717972050
Process - value reset to 0
SCOPE - start at 1645717972050
Process - getValue 1645717972051
Process - doIt start delay 1645717972051
Mutex failed in 2 with 0


您是否考虑过使用 Deferred 结果代替 AtomicInteger

var result: Deferred<Int> = CompletableDeferred(0)

fun doIt() {
    result = async { /* get new value */ }

fun getValue() = runBlocking { result.await() }

fun reset() {
    result = CompletableDeferred(0)

如果您需要在每次调用 doIt 时处理上一个作业的取消,您可能需要引入更多的复杂性。