Excel VBA: "Change a Subroutine into a Function", 用于字符串转换

Excel VBA: "Change a Subroutine into a Function", for String Conversion

通过我的工作,并复制其他人,我拼凑了一个 Excel VBA Sub,它将一个长字符串与 (text groups) 和 (number groups) 的组分隔成一个替换字符串每个单独的组之间有空格;按照这个例子: • “123abc12aedsw2345der” • …应用选择 Sub() 然后变为: • “123 abc 12 aedsw 2345 der” 它根据“选择”转换原始单元格中的字符串,因此我目前在原始单元格中留下更改后的数据 问题:我想将其更改为一个 FUNCTION,其中转换后的数据将出现在 Function 单元格中并保持原始单元格不变。我已经完成了数百次,但我似乎无法让它作为一个独立的功能来工作。在已完成和工作的子例程下面,我试图转换为一个独立的函数,以便从工作表上的任何地方调用:

Sub SplitTextNumbersSelection()
Dim c As Range

'********** Inserts Space Before Number Groups ******************************
For n = 1 To 10
    For Each c In Selection
        c = InsertSpace(c.Text)
Next n
'****************Inserts Space Before Letter Groups ***********************
For n = 1 To 10
    For Each c In Selection
        c = InsertSpace2(c.Text)
Next n

End Sub

Function InsertSpace(str As String) As String
    With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
        .Pattern = "([a-z])(\d)"
        '.Pattern = "(\d)([a-z])"
        InsertSpace = .Replace(str, " ")
    End With
End Function

Function InsertSpace2(str As String) As String
    With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
        '.Pattern = "([a-z])(\d)"
        .Pattern = "(\d)([a-z])"
        InsertSpace2 = .Replace(str, " ")
    End With
End Function


Function PrepString(v As String)
    Dim rv As String, i As Long, c1, c2
    For i = 1 To Len(v) - 1
        c1 = Mid(v, i, 1)
        c2 = Mid(v, i + 1, 1)
        If (c1 Like "[a-z]" And c2 Like "[0-9]") Or _
           (c2 Like "[a-z]" And c1 Like "[0-9]") Then
            rv = rv & c1 & " "
            rv = rv & c1
        End If
    Next i
    PrepString = rv & Right(v, 1)
End Function