**为什么我无法访问我在视图列表中放入 Web 表单的内容,例如 C# 代码部分中的(输入)和(按钮)?**

**Why can't I access the things I put into the web form in the view list like (input)and(Button)inside the c# code section?**

为什么我无法访问我在视图列表中放入 Web 表单的内容,例如 C# 代码部分中的 (input) 和 (Button)?

                                <ItemTemplate runat="server">
                                    <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
                                    <tr class="text-center">
                                        <td class="product-remove"></td>

                                        <td class="image-prod">
                                            <div class="">
                                                <asp:Image ID="Image1" CssClass=" img" ImageUrl='<%# "../img/" + Eval("picture") %> ' runat="server" />

                                        <td class="product-name"><%# Eval("namebook") %> </td>

                                        <td class="price"><%# Eval("Price") %> </td>

                                        <td class="quantity"><%# Eval("titel") %></td>

                                        <td class="col-2">

      <asp:Button ID="delete" CssClass="btn btn-outline-danger" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("id")%>' OnClick="delete_Click" runat="server" Text="حذف کالا" />


       <input id="quantity2" runat="server" type="number" value="1" min="1" max="20" />


But on a page with the same code, I have access to the elements I put in ListView.


Button btnDelete;
Label lbl2;

    foreach (ListViewItem item in ListView1.Items)
                lbl2 = (Label)item.FindControl("Label2");
                btnDelete = (Button)item.FindControl("delete")