如何从 django-rest-swagger 将 swagger/?format=openapi 导入邮递员而不会出现格式错误

How to import swagger/?format=openapi to postman from django-rest-swagger without error of format not recognized

我们的项目使用django-rest-swagger来管理API,我们想导出所有api并导入Postman,我可以得到JSON下面 url localhost:5000/swagger/?format=openapi,但是当我导入文件时,邮递员说 Error while importing: format not recognized,如何从 django-rest-swagger 导入 swagger/?format=openapi 到邮递员而不无法识别格式错误?


swagger: "2.0",
info: {
title: "TestProjectAPI",
description: "",
version: ""
host: "localhost:5000",
schemes: [
paths: {
/api-token/: {
post: {
operationId: "api-token_post",
responses: {
201: {
description: ""
parameters: [
name: "data",
in: "body",
schema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
pic_id: {
description: "",
type: "string"
phonenumber: {
description: "",
type: "string"
checkcode: {
description: "",
type: "string"
user_phone: {
description: "",
type: "string"
phone_code: {
description: "",
type: "string"
username: {
description: "",
type: "string"
password: {
description: "",
type: "string"
description: "User Login",
summary: "User Login",
consumes: [
tags: [
/porject_management/: {
get: {
operationId: "porject_management_list",
responses: {
200: {
description: ""
parameters: [
name: "page",
required: false,
in: "query",
description: "A page number within the paginated result set.",
type: "integer"
name: "page_size",
required: false,
in: "query",
description: "Number of results to return per page.",
type: "integer"
name: "search",
required: false,
in: "query",
description: "A search term.",
type: "string"
name: "project",
required: false,
in: "query",
description: "",
type: "string"
name: "state",
required: false,
in: "query",
description: "",
type: "number"
name: "ordering",
required: false,
in: "query",
description: "Which field to use when ordering the results.",
type: "string"
description: "porject management",
summary: "porject management",
tags: [
post: {
operationId: "porject_management_post",
responses: {
201: {
description: ""
parameters: [
name: "data",
in: "body",
schema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
project: {
description: "",
type: "string"
tc_code: {
description: "",
type: "string"
visitors_number: {
description: "",
type: "integer"
site_selection: {
description: "",
type: "string"
contact_name: {
description: "",
type: "string"
contact_number: {
description: "",
type: "string"
remark: {
description: "",
type: "string"
type: {
description: "",
type: "integer"
state: {
description: "",
type: "integer"
status: {
description: "",
type: "integer"
creater: {
description: "",
type: "string"
modifier: {
description: "",
type: "string"
description: "Porject management",
summary: "Porject management",
consumes: [
tags: [
securityDefinitions: {
basic: {
type: "basic"


python3 manage.py generateschema --file openapi-schema.yml

在终端?然后您可以直接将架构导入您的 POSTMAN。您正在提供 JSON 格式,对邮递员使用 yaml 格式应该可以。

最后,我通过 eolink.com,


首先,从 localhost:5000/swagger/?format=openapi

