如何添加虚线或添加填充到 td 边框

How to add a dotted line or add padding to td border

下图已经接近我正在寻找的解决方案(参见my codepen)。唯一缺少的是 <tbody><thead> 的轮廓边框与 <td>




你可以看看code on codepen。我的CSS方法是这样的

table {  width: 100%; }
/** outline: 0.5pt solid; outline-color: black; border-spacing: .2em 0em; **/

thead, tbody { outline: 0.5pt solid; outline-color: black; }

th.sgn { border-bottom: 1pt dotted blue; padding-top: 1ex;}    
td.sgn { border-bottom: 1pt dotted blue; padding-top: 1ex;}  
         <col width="20%">
         <col width="35%">                    
         <col width="15%">
         <col width="30%">                    
            <th class="sgn"> &nbsp; </th>
            <th>Index</td><th class="sgn"></th>
       <tr class="sml">
            <th colspan="4"> &nbsp; </th>
        <tr><th colspan="4"><h3>Bitte ausfüllen und abheften!</h3></th></tr>
         <td>Einbaudatum:</td><td class="sgn"> &nbsp; </td>
         <td>Name</td><td class="sgn"> &nbsp;</td>
       <tr><td>Anlaufprobleme:</td><td><input type="checkbox"></td><td colspan="2">Bitte Grund angeben</td>

What approach would you take if you had to create something that looks like the image above?

CSS 伪元素非常适合这个用例。

.sgn::after {
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  border-bottom: 2px dotted blue;
  width: 20%;


我会用 ::before::after 伪 classes 实现那个间距。

  1. 首先,给你想要的元素 space 一个独特的 class(例如 .spaced)。
<td class="spaced sgn" colspan="3"> &nbsp; </td>
  1. 然后,给它一个 relative 位置,这样 ::before::after 就相对于它定位:
.spaced {
  position: relative;
  1. ::before::after加上你想要的width作为space,分别放在左边和右边:
.spaced::after {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  width: 1rem;
  height: 1rem;
  background: white;
  bottom: -0.5rem;

.spaced::before {
  left: 0;

.spaced::after {
  right: 0;
