使用 MyPy 针对 TypedDict 验证 `Dict`

Validate `Dict` against `TypedDict` with MyPy

我有几个数据处理器实现了一个接口,其方法“process”接管了处理部分,结果是 returned。结果应该是符合给定结构的字典。这就是我为每个处理器结果定义 TypedDict 的原因。 也许我没有正确理解TypedDict,但我想实现这样的事情:

import abc

from typing import TypedDict

class AProcessorResult(TypedDict):
  param1: str
  param2: int

class BProcessorResult(TypedDict):
  paramA: str
  paramB: str
  paramC: float

class IProcessor(abc.ABC):

  def process(self) -> <Dictionary mypy-checked against processor result structure>:
    raise NotImplementedError

class AProcessor(IProcessor):

  def process(self) -> <Dictionary mypy-checked against AProcessorResult structure>:
    result: AProcessorResult = {
      'param1': 'value1',
      'param2': 0
    return result

class BProcessor(IProcessor):

  def process(self) -> <Dictionary mypy-checked against BProcessorResult structure>:
    result: BProcessorResult = {
      'param1': 'value1',
      'param2': 1
    return result

def main() -> None:

  aProcessor: AProcessor = AProcessor()
  aProcessor.process()                    # <- Should be successful during the MyPy check

  bProcessor: BProcessor = BProcessor()
  bProcessor.process()                    # <- Should fail during the MyPy check

if __name__ == '__main__':

如果我 return 来自“进程”方法的普通字典,MyPy 会抱怨类型不兼容:

Incompatible return value type (got "AProcessorResult", expected "Dict[Any, Any]")



我正在使用 Python 3.8.

您可以使用泛型来实现这一点。基本上,您将 IProcess 定义为 return 一些通用类型,并定义它使用的具体类型 IProcessor[ConcreteType].

import abc

from typing import TypedDict, Any, Generic, TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T")

class AProcessorResult(TypedDict):
  param1: str
  param2: int

class BProcessorResult(TypedDict):
  paramA: str
  paramB: str
  paramC: float

class IProcessor(abc.ABC, Generic[T]):

  def process(self) -> T:
    raise NotImplementedError

class AProcessor(IProcessor[AProcessorResult]):

  def process(self) -> AProcessorResult:
    result: AProcessorResult = {
      'param1': 'value1',
      'param2': 0
    return result

class BProcessor(IProcessor[BProcessorResult]):

  def process(self) -> BProcessorResult:
    result: BProcessorResult = {
      'param1': 'value1',
      'param2': 1
    return result

def main() -> None:

  aProcessor: AProcessor = AProcessor()
  aProcessor.process()                    # <- Should be successful during the MyPy check

  bProcessor: BProcessor = BProcessor()
  bProcessor.process()                    # <- Should fail during the MyPy check

if __name__ == '__main__':

如果你想更严格并强制 return 类型始终是映射类型,你可以将类型 var 绑定为

from typing import Mapping
T = TypeVar("T", bound=Mapping[str, Any])
