Blazor 服务器端与 Blazor WebAssembly 托管

Blazor Server side vs Blazor WebAssembly Hosted

我是 blazor 的新手,正在尝试了解不同托管模型之间的差异。

据我了解,Blazor 服务器端和 Blazor WebAssembly Hosted 都有服务器端代码,两者都使用 Signal R 与客户端通信。

那么它们有什么区别呢?论文的客户端部署到哪里?它们与服务器的连接有什么不同?如果 Web 应用程序反过来调用第 3 方 Web API 调用是如何路由的?

我发现的一个区别是项目结构。 Blazor 服务器端只有一个项目(带有数据文件夹)。 Blazor WebAssembly Hosted 有 3 个项目(.Server、.Client 和 .Shared)。

Blazor Web Assembly 应用程序完全在客户端上运行。没有与服务器的 SignalR 连接:检查服务器 program 文件。服务器只是加载页面和 WASM 代码的托管平台,并提供应用程序使用的任何 API 控制器。这是一个标准的 DotNetCore Web 应用程序。

对第三方的任何 API 调用直接从浏览器 运行 Web Assembly 应用程序到第三方 Urls。

请参阅我为另一个我现在找不到的类似 Stack Overflow 问题写的要点。它描述了 Web Assembly 托管模板中的各个位。

主要区别在于您的 .NET 代码 运行ning:对于 Blazor Server,它是 100% server-side;对于托管的 Blazor WASM 应用程序,.NET 代码在服务器和客户端上都是 运行ning(尽管服务器也可以 运行 您想要的任何其他语言)。

From what I read I understand Blazor Server side and Blazor WebAssembly Hosted have server side code, ...


  • .NET 运行时间是 100% server-side Blazor 服务器应用程序,客户端使用框架 JS 库与服务器通信。归根结底,使用 Blazor Server 您只会得到一个应用程序。
  • 使用 Blazor WASM,您的客户端实际上 运行 在您的浏览器中创建一个单独的 .NET 运行 时间。托管模型生成一个单独的 .NET Web API 服务器项目,但您可以使用任何后端来处理您的客户端应用程序(例如 Node.JS 上的 Express),因为您的客户端与技术无关。

... both uses Signal R to communicate with the Client.

不一定。 Blazor Server 需要 Signal R 与客户端持续通信和更新,但 Blazor WASM 更灵活。来自 docs:

A hosted client app can interact with its backend server app over the network using a variety of messaging frameworks and protocols, such as web API, gRPC-web, and SignalR.

同样,Blazor WASM 与您的 server-side 无关。托管模型会为您生成 server-side,但从技术上讲,您可以随意使用。

Where is the client side of theses deployed to?

Blazor 服务器不编译 client-side per-say:一旦与应用程序建立连接,它就会利用 Signal R 通过 Web 套接字(或其他方式)不断向客户端推送更新技术不可用时)。

Blazor WASM 客户端:当您编译 WASM 项目时,您会得到类似于针对 React 应用程序的 运行ning Webpack 的东西。 Blazor WASM 是一项 front-end 技术,因此它可以作为静态网页的依赖项,或者可以通过 web-api 进行扩充和服务,就像托管模型一样。

What difference is in their connection with Server?

同样,Blazor Server 需要 Signal R,而 Blazor WASM 与技术无关:它可以使用 Signal R,但通常您需要的只是标准 HTTP 协议.

If the Web App inturn calls a 3rd party web API how is the call routed?

这是一个完全不同的问题,但我能看出其中的困惑。您的 WebAPI 是一个完全独立的应用程序;您的 WASM 应用程序 none 如果它发出外部请求则更明智。

文档提供了以下见解(请注意,这并不区分 WASM 的两个模型,但它仍然适用):

When the Blazor WebAssembly app is created for deployment without a backend ASP.NET Core app to serve its files, the app is called a standalone Blazor WebAssembly app. When the app is created for deployment with a backend app to serve its files, the app is called a hosted Blazor WebAssembly app.

The Blazor WebAssembly (WASM) hosting model offers several benefits:

  • There's no .NET server-side dependency after the app is downloaded from the server, so the app remains functional if the server goes offline.
  • Client resources and capabilities are fully leveraged.
  • Work is offloaded from the server to the client.
  • An ASP.NET Core web server isn't required to host the app. > - Serverless deployment scenarios are possible, such as serving the app from a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

The Blazor WebAssembly hosting model has the following limitations:

  • The app is restricted to the capabilities of the browser.
  • Capable client hardware and software (for example, WebAssembly support) is required.
  • Download size is larger, and apps take longer to load.

与 Blazor 服务器:

The Blazor Server hosting model offers several benefits:

  • Download size is significantly smaller than a Blazor WebAssembly app, and the app loads much faster. -The app takes full advantage of server capabilities, including the use of .NET Core APIs.
  • .NET Core on the server is used to run the app, so existing .NET tooling, such as debugging, works as expected.
  • Thin clients are supported. For example, Blazor Server apps work with browsers that don't support WebAssembly and on resource-constrained devices.
  • The app's .NET/C# code base, including the app's component code, isn't served to clients.

The Blazor Server hosting model has the following limitations:

  • Higher latency usually exists. Every user interaction involves a network hop.
  • There's no offline support. If the client connection fails, the app stops working.
  • Scaling apps with many users requires server resources to handle multiple client connections and client state.
  • An ASP.NET Core server is required to serve the app. Serverless deployment scenarios aren't possible, such as serving the app from a Content Delivery Network (CDN).