如何最好地在 RDF 中指定实例 URI?

How to best specify instance URIs in RDF?

我不明白在 RDF class 实例的 URI 中使用 /# 的含义。例如,我应该使用:

何时填充我的 RDF 数据库?

W3C (http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/http-examples/)

Best practice dictates that all RDF vocabularies use either a hash namespace or a slash namespace (see above). Which you choose depends in part on how big you expect your vocabulary to become, how often you expect to add new terms (i.e., properties or classes), and how you expect users to access information about individual terms in your vocabulary.


  • # ontology 资源(属性和 类)和 SHACL 形状
  • / 其余所有(实例数据、参考数据等)