无法在 shell 脚本中使用 aplay 播放声音
Can't play sound using aplay in shell script
我的回购 link:Battery Notifier
这是我希望运行的 shell 脚本。
所以,我添加了 aplay 来播放通知声音。尽管如此,还是不行。
我正在使用 Linux Mint Mate 20.3 .
#please install acpi before using this ==> sudo apt install acpi
while true; do
export DISPLAY=:0.0
battery_level=$(acpi -b | grep -P -o '[0-9]+(?=%)')
ac_adapter=$(acpi -a | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d- -f1)
if on_ac_power; then #check if AC is plugged in
if [ $battery_level -ge 95 ]; then #check if the battery level is over 90%
notify-send -u critical "Please, kindly unplug your AC adapter" "Battery level: ${battery_level}%" -i battery-full-charged
# sleep 300
elif [ $battery_level -le 20 ]; then
notify-send -u critical "Thank you!!!" "You did an excellent job, Keep it up." -i battery-caution-charging
sleep 300 #sleep as charging upto 20 take 15 min max
# break
#if [ $ac_adapter -eq "off" ]; then
# notify-send -u critical "AC Adapter" "The AC Adapter is off."
if [ "$ac_adapter" == "off" ]; then
if [ $battery_level -le 20 ]; then #check if the battery level is over 90%
notify-send -u critical "Please, kindly plug-in your AC adapter" "Battery level: ${battery_level}%" -i battery-caution
# To get the sound notification
aplay sounds/mixkit-wrong-answer-fail-notification-946.wav
# break
# sleep 180
elif [ $battery_level -le 30 ]; then
notify-send -u critical "Charge it man its ${battery_level}%" -i battery-caution
# To get the sound notification
aplay sounds/mixkit-bell-notification-933.wav
# break
sleep 200
elif [ $battery_level == 40 ]; then
notify-send -u critical "Its ${battery_level}%" -i face-angel
# To get the sound notification
aplay sounds/mixkit-bell-notification-933.wav
# break
sleep 180
elif [ $battery_level -ge 95 ]; then
notify-send -u critical "Thank you!!!" "You did an excellent job,Now remove the charger." -i face-angel
# To get the sound notification
aplay sounds/mixkit-melodical-flute-music-notification-2310.wav
sleep 90 # sleep as charging is above 95
sleep 5 #wait for 300 seconds before checking again
#to add this to startup application ==> https://www.simplified.guide/gnome/automatically-run-program-on-startup
所以我将声音文件夹复制到 ~/music/BatteryNotifySounds 并反映了上面脚本中的更改并完成了。
我的回购 link:Battery Notifier
这是我希望运行的 shell 脚本。 我希望收到电池通知。
但是,当我在全屏模式下观看视频时,它不会给我通知。 所以,我添加了 aplay 来播放通知声音。尽管如此,还是不行。
我正在使用 Linux Mint Mate 20.3 .
#please install acpi before using this ==> sudo apt install acpi
while true; do
export DISPLAY=:0.0
battery_level=$(acpi -b | grep -P -o '[0-9]+(?=%)')
ac_adapter=$(acpi -a | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d- -f1)
if on_ac_power; then #check if AC is plugged in
if [ $battery_level -ge 95 ]; then #check if the battery level is over 90%
notify-send -u critical "Please, kindly unplug your AC adapter" "Battery level: ${battery_level}%" -i battery-full-charged
# sleep 300
elif [ $battery_level -le 20 ]; then
notify-send -u critical "Thank you!!!" "You did an excellent job, Keep it up." -i battery-caution-charging
sleep 300 #sleep as charging upto 20 take 15 min max
# break
#if [ $ac_adapter -eq "off" ]; then
# notify-send -u critical "AC Adapter" "The AC Adapter is off."
if [ "$ac_adapter" == "off" ]; then
if [ $battery_level -le 20 ]; then #check if the battery level is over 90%
notify-send -u critical "Please, kindly plug-in your AC adapter" "Battery level: ${battery_level}%" -i battery-caution
# To get the sound notification
aplay sounds/mixkit-wrong-answer-fail-notification-946.wav
# break
# sleep 180
elif [ $battery_level -le 30 ]; then
notify-send -u critical "Charge it man its ${battery_level}%" -i battery-caution
# To get the sound notification
aplay sounds/mixkit-bell-notification-933.wav
# break
sleep 200
elif [ $battery_level == 40 ]; then
notify-send -u critical "Its ${battery_level}%" -i face-angel
# To get the sound notification
aplay sounds/mixkit-bell-notification-933.wav
# break
sleep 180
elif [ $battery_level -ge 95 ]; then
notify-send -u critical "Thank you!!!" "You did an excellent job,Now remove the charger." -i face-angel
# To get the sound notification
aplay sounds/mixkit-melodical-flute-music-notification-2310.wav
sleep 90 # sleep as charging is above 95
sleep 5 #wait for 300 seconds before checking again
#to add this to startup application ==> https://www.simplified.guide/gnome/automatically-run-program-on-startup
我发现声音文件夹不在正确的位置。 所以我将声音文件夹复制到 ~/music/BatteryNotifySounds 并反映了上面脚本中的更改并完成了。