具有 minimax 和 alpha-beta 修剪段错误的模块化 Connect4 游戏
Modular Connect4 game with minimax and alpha-beta pruning seg fault
我正在努力使这个 connect 4 游戏模块化,具有从 3x3 到 10x10 的不同网格大小以及模块化数量的获胜“冰球”。下面的程序通过传递 3 个参数来工作,这些参数是网格大小(网格是正方形)、获胜所需的连续冰球数量以及谁先开始(尚未实现)。因此,运行 的命令例如是 connectM 6 5 1。
在下面的代码中,您将看到该尝试。当您使用 4 作为第二个参数但高于它的任何参数时,该程序运行良好,并且我在第 338 行周围遇到分段错误,我无法确定它。有没有人对我明显做错的事情有任何见解?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <limits.h>
#include <array>
#include <sstream>
#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
using namespace std;
// function declarations
void printBoard(vector<vector<int> >&);
int userMove();
void makeMove(vector<vector<int> >&, int, unsigned int);
void errorMessage(int);
int aiMove();
vector<vector<int> > copyBoard(vector<vector<int> >);
bool winningMove(vector<vector<int> >&, unsigned int);
int scoreSet(vector<unsigned int>, unsigned int);
int tabScore(vector<vector<int> >, unsigned int);
array<int, 2> miniMax(vector<vector<int> >&, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned int);
int heurFunction(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
// Avoid magic numbers
unsigned int NUM_COL = 7; // how wide is the board
unsigned int NUM_ROW = 7; // how tall
unsigned int PLAYER = 1; // player number
unsigned int COMPUTER = 2; // AI number
unsigned int MAX_DEPTH = 5; // the default "difficulty" of the computer controlled AI
unsigned int WINNING_PUCKS = 4; //Default winning pucks
unsigned int FIRST_PLAYER = 0;
bool gameOver = false; // flag for if game is over
unsigned int turns = 0; // count for # turns
unsigned int currentPlayer = PLAYER; // current player
vector<vector<int>> board(NUM_ROW, vector<int>(NUM_COL)); // the game board
* game playing function
* loops between players while they take turns
void playGame() {
printBoard(board); // print initial board
while (!gameOver) { // while no game over state
if (currentPlayer == COMPUTER) { // AI move
makeMove(board, aiMove(), COMPUTER);
else if (currentPlayer == PLAYER) { // player move
makeMove(board, userMove(), PLAYER);
else if (turns == NUM_ROW * NUM_COL) { // if max number of turns reached
gameOver = true;
gameOver = winningMove(board, currentPlayer); // check if player won
currentPlayer = (currentPlayer == 1) ? 2 : 1; // switch player
turns++; // iterate number of turns
cout << endl;
printBoard(board); // print board after successful move
if (turns == NUM_ROW * NUM_COL) { // if draw condition
cout << "Draw!" << endl;
else { // otherwise, someone won
cout << ((currentPlayer == PLAYER) ? "AI Wins!" : "Player Wins!") << endl;
* function that makes the move for the player
* @param b - the board to make move on
* @param c - column to drop piece into
* @param p - the current player
void makeMove(vector<vector<int> >& b, int c, unsigned int p) {
// start from bottom of board going up
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
if (b[r][c] == 0) { // first available spot
b[r][c] = p; // set piece
* prompts the user for their move
* and ensures valid user input
* @return the user chosen column
int userMove() {
int move = -1; // temporary
while (true) { // repeat until proper input given
cout << "Enter a column: ";
cin >> move; // init move as input
if (!cin) { // if non-integer
cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
errorMessage(1); // let user know
else if (!((unsigned int)move < NUM_COL && move >= 0)) { // if out of bounds
errorMessage(2); // let user know
else if (board[NUM_ROW - 1][move] != 0) { // if full column
errorMessage(3); // let user know
else { // if it gets here, input valid
cout << endl << endl;
return move;
* AI "think" algorithm
* uses minimax to find ideal move
* @return - the column number for best move
int aiMove() {
cout << "AI is thinking about a move..." << endl;
return miniMax(board, MAX_DEPTH, 0 - INT_MAX, INT_MAX, COMPUTER)[1];
* Minimax implementation using alpha-beta pruning
* @param b - the board to perform MM on
* @param d - the current depth
* @param alf - alpha
* @param bet - beta
* @param p - current player
array<int, 2> miniMax(vector<vector<int> > &b, unsigned int d, int alf, int bet, unsigned int p) {
* if we've reached minimal depth allowed by the program
* we need to stop, so force it to return current values
* since a move will never (theoretically) get this deep,
* the column doesn't matter (-1) but we're more interested
* in the score
* as well, we need to take into consideration how many moves
* ie when the board is full
if (d == 0 || d >= (NUM_COL * NUM_ROW) - turns) {
// get current score to return
return array<int, 2>{tabScore(b, COMPUTER), -1};
if (p == COMPUTER) { // if AI player
array<int, 2> moveSoFar = {INT_MIN, -1}; // since maximizing, we want lowest possible value
if (winningMove(b, PLAYER)) { // if player about to win
return moveSoFar; // force it to say it's worst possible score, so it knows to avoid move
} // otherwise, business as usual
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) { // for each possible move
if (b[NUM_ROW - 1][c] == 0) { // but only if that column is non-full
vector<vector<int> > newBoard = copyBoard(b); // make a copy of the board
makeMove(newBoard, c, p); // try the move
int score = miniMax(newBoard, d - 1, alf, bet, PLAYER)[0]; // find move based on that new board state
if (score > moveSoFar[0]) { // if better score, replace it, and consider that best move (for now)
moveSoFar = {score, (int)c};
alf = max(alf, moveSoFar[0]);
if (alf >= bet) { break; } // for pruning
return moveSoFar; // return best possible move
else {
array<int, 2> moveSoFar = {INT_MAX, -1}; // since PLAYER is minimized, we want moves that diminish this score
if (winningMove(b, COMPUTER)) {
return moveSoFar; // if about to win, report that move as best
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
if (b[NUM_ROW - 1][c] == 0) {
vector<vector<int> > newBoard = copyBoard(b);
makeMove(newBoard, c, p);
int score = miniMax(newBoard, d - 1, alf, bet, COMPUTER)[0];
if (score < moveSoFar[0]) {
moveSoFar = {score, (int)c};
bet = min(bet, moveSoFar[0]);
if (alf >= bet) { break; }
return moveSoFar;
* function to tabulate current board "value"
* @param b - the board to evaluate
* @param p - the player to check score of
* @return - the board score
int tabScore(vector<vector<int> > b, unsigned int p) {
int score = 0;
vector<unsigned int> rs(NUM_COL);
vector<unsigned int> cs(NUM_ROW);
vector<unsigned int> set(WINNING_PUCKS);
* horizontal checks, we're looking for sequences of WINNING_PUCKS
* containing any combination of AI, PLAYER, and empty pieces
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
rs[c] = b[r][c]; // this is a distinct row alone
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
set[i] = rs[c + i]; // for each possible "set" of WINNING_PUCKS spots from that row
score += scoreSet(set, p); // find score
// vertical
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
cs[r] = b[r][c];
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
set[i] = cs[r + i];
score += scoreSet(set, p);
// diagonals
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
rs[c] = b[r][c];
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
set[i] = b[r + i][c + i];
score += scoreSet(set, p);
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
rs[c] = b[r][c];
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
set[i] = b[r + WINNING_PUCKS - 1 - i][c + i];
score += scoreSet(set, p);
return score;
* function to find the score of a set of WINNING_PUCKS spots
* @param v - the row/column to check
* @param p - the player to check against
* @return - the score of the row/column
int scoreSet(vector<unsigned int> v, unsigned int p) {
unsigned int good = 0; // points in favor of p
unsigned int bad = 0; // points against p
unsigned int empty = 0; // neutral spots
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { // just enumerate how many of each
good += (v[i] == p) ? 1 : 0;
bad += (v[i] == PLAYER || v[i] == COMPUTER) ? 1 : 0;
empty += (v[i] == 0) ? 1 : 0;
// bad was calculated as (bad + good), so remove good
bad -= good;
return heurFunction(good, bad, empty);
* """heuristic function"""
* @param g - good points
* @param b - bad points
* @param z - empty spots
* @return - the score as tabulated
// int heurFunction(unsigned int g, unsigned int b, unsigned int z) {
// int score = 0;
// if (g == 4) { score += 500001; } // preference to go for winning move vs. block
// else if (g == 3 && z == 1) { score += 5000; }
// else if (g == 2 && z == 2) { score += 500; }
// else if (b == 2 && z == 2) { score -= 501; } // preference to block
// else if (b == 3 && z == 1) { score -= 5001; } // preference to block
// else if (b == 4) { score -= 500000; }
// return score;
// }
int heurFunction(unsigned int g, unsigned int b, unsigned int z) {
int score = 0;
if (g == WINNING_PUCKS) { score += 500001; } // preference to go for winning move vs. block
else if (g > z) { score += 5000; }
else if (g == z) { score += 500; }
else if (b == z) { score -= 501; } // preference to block
else if (b > z) { score -= 5001; } // preference to block
else if (b == WINNING_PUCKS) { score -= 500000; }
return score;
* function to determine if a winning move is made
* @param b - the board to check
* @param p - the player to check against
* @return - whether that player can have a winning move
bool winningMove(vector<vector<int> > &b, unsigned int p) {
unsigned int winSequence = 0; // to count adjacent pieces
// for horizontal checks
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) { // for each column
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) { // each row
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) { // recall you need WINNING_PUCKS to win
if ((unsigned int)b[r][c + i] == p) { // if not all pieces match
winSequence++; // add sequence count
if (winSequence == WINNING_PUCKS) { return true; } // if WINNING_PUCKS in row
winSequence = 0; // reset counter
// vertical checks
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
if ((unsigned int)b[r + i][c] == p) {
if (winSequence == WINNING_PUCKS) { return true; }
winSequence = 0;
// the below two are diagonal checks
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) {
for (unsigned int r = 3; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
if ((unsigned int)b[r - i][c + i] == p) {
if (winSequence == WINNING_PUCKS) { return true; }
winSequence = 0;
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) {
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
if ((unsigned int)b[r + i][c + i] == p) {
if (winSequence == WINNING_PUCKS) { return true; }
winSequence = 0;
return false; // otherwise no winning move
* sets up the board to be filled with empty spaces
* also used to reset the board to this state
void initBoard() {
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
board[r][c] = 0; // make sure board is empty initially
* function to copy board state to another 2D vector
* ie. make a duplicate board; used for mutating copies rather
* than the original
* @param b - the board to copy
* @return - said copy
vector<vector<int> > copyBoard(vector<vector<int> > b) {
vector<vector<int>> newBoard(NUM_ROW, vector<int>(NUM_COL));
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
newBoard[r][c] = b[r][c]; // just straight copy
return newBoard;
* prints the board to console out
* @param b - the board to print
void printBoard(vector<vector<int> > &b) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_COL; i++) {
cout << " " << i;
cout << endl << "---------------" << endl;
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
cout << "|";
switch (b[NUM_ROW - r - 1][c]) {
case 0: cout << " "; break; // no piece
case 1: cout << "O"; break; // one player's piece
case 2: cout << "X"; break; // other player's piece
if (c + 1 == NUM_COL) { cout << "|"; }
cout << endl;
cout << "---------------" << endl;
cout << endl;
* handler for displaying error messages
* @param t - the type of error to display
void errorMessage(int t) {
if (t == 1) { // non-int input
cout << "Use a value 0.." << NUM_COL - 1 << endl;
else if (t == 2) { // out of bounds
cout << "That is not a valid column." << endl;
else if (t == 3) { // full column
cout << "That column is full." << endl;
cout << endl;
* main driver
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// int i = -1; bool flag = false;
// if (argc == 2) {
// istringstream in(argv[1]);
// if (!(in >> i)) { flag = true; }
// if (i > (int)(NUM_ROW * NUM_COL) || i <= -1) { flag = true; }
// if (flag) { cout << "Invalid command line argument, using default depth = 5." << endl; }
// else { MAX_DEPTH = i; }
// }
if(argc <= 1){
cout << "No arguments fed. Terminating";
return 0;
if(argc == 4){
int gridSize = atoi(argv[1]);
int diskAmount = atoi(argv[2]);
bool firstTurn = (bool)argv[3];
if(gridSize < 3 || gridSize > 10){
cout << "Incorrect Grid size";
return 0;
if(diskAmount < 1 || diskAmount > gridSize){
cout << "Incorrect disk amount";
return 0;
NUM_COL = gridSize;
NUM_ROW = gridSize;
WINNING_PUCKS = diskAmount;
FIRST_PLAYER = firstTurn;
cout << "Incorrect amount of arguments. Terminating";
return 0;
//cout << NUM_COL << endl << WINNING_PUCKS << endl << FIRST_PLAYER << endl;
initBoard(); // initial setup
playGame(); // begin the game
return 0; // exit state
在我看来,您没有更改游戏早期版本中的 hard-coded 值之一。在第 336 行,你有
for (unsigned int r = 3; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (unsigned int r = (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
请注意,虽然这部分现在应该可以正常工作,但当我 运行 它时,它仍然会在到达 end-game 时崩溃并显示错误消息:
double free or corruption (out)
Aborted (core dumped)
我正在努力使这个 connect 4 游戏模块化,具有从 3x3 到 10x10 的不同网格大小以及模块化数量的获胜“冰球”。下面的程序通过传递 3 个参数来工作,这些参数是网格大小(网格是正方形)、获胜所需的连续冰球数量以及谁先开始(尚未实现)。因此,运行 的命令例如是 connectM 6 5 1。
在下面的代码中,您将看到该尝试。当您使用 4 作为第二个参数但高于它的任何参数时,该程序运行良好,并且我在第 338 行周围遇到分段错误,我无法确定它。有没有人对我明显做错的事情有任何见解?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <limits.h>
#include <array>
#include <sstream>
#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
using namespace std;
// function declarations
void printBoard(vector<vector<int> >&);
int userMove();
void makeMove(vector<vector<int> >&, int, unsigned int);
void errorMessage(int);
int aiMove();
vector<vector<int> > copyBoard(vector<vector<int> >);
bool winningMove(vector<vector<int> >&, unsigned int);
int scoreSet(vector<unsigned int>, unsigned int);
int tabScore(vector<vector<int> >, unsigned int);
array<int, 2> miniMax(vector<vector<int> >&, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned int);
int heurFunction(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
// Avoid magic numbers
unsigned int NUM_COL = 7; // how wide is the board
unsigned int NUM_ROW = 7; // how tall
unsigned int PLAYER = 1; // player number
unsigned int COMPUTER = 2; // AI number
unsigned int MAX_DEPTH = 5; // the default "difficulty" of the computer controlled AI
unsigned int WINNING_PUCKS = 4; //Default winning pucks
unsigned int FIRST_PLAYER = 0;
bool gameOver = false; // flag for if game is over
unsigned int turns = 0; // count for # turns
unsigned int currentPlayer = PLAYER; // current player
vector<vector<int>> board(NUM_ROW, vector<int>(NUM_COL)); // the game board
* game playing function
* loops between players while they take turns
void playGame() {
printBoard(board); // print initial board
while (!gameOver) { // while no game over state
if (currentPlayer == COMPUTER) { // AI move
makeMove(board, aiMove(), COMPUTER);
else if (currentPlayer == PLAYER) { // player move
makeMove(board, userMove(), PLAYER);
else if (turns == NUM_ROW * NUM_COL) { // if max number of turns reached
gameOver = true;
gameOver = winningMove(board, currentPlayer); // check if player won
currentPlayer = (currentPlayer == 1) ? 2 : 1; // switch player
turns++; // iterate number of turns
cout << endl;
printBoard(board); // print board after successful move
if (turns == NUM_ROW * NUM_COL) { // if draw condition
cout << "Draw!" << endl;
else { // otherwise, someone won
cout << ((currentPlayer == PLAYER) ? "AI Wins!" : "Player Wins!") << endl;
* function that makes the move for the player
* @param b - the board to make move on
* @param c - column to drop piece into
* @param p - the current player
void makeMove(vector<vector<int> >& b, int c, unsigned int p) {
// start from bottom of board going up
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
if (b[r][c] == 0) { // first available spot
b[r][c] = p; // set piece
* prompts the user for their move
* and ensures valid user input
* @return the user chosen column
int userMove() {
int move = -1; // temporary
while (true) { // repeat until proper input given
cout << "Enter a column: ";
cin >> move; // init move as input
if (!cin) { // if non-integer
cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
errorMessage(1); // let user know
else if (!((unsigned int)move < NUM_COL && move >= 0)) { // if out of bounds
errorMessage(2); // let user know
else if (board[NUM_ROW - 1][move] != 0) { // if full column
errorMessage(3); // let user know
else { // if it gets here, input valid
cout << endl << endl;
return move;
* AI "think" algorithm
* uses minimax to find ideal move
* @return - the column number for best move
int aiMove() {
cout << "AI is thinking about a move..." << endl;
return miniMax(board, MAX_DEPTH, 0 - INT_MAX, INT_MAX, COMPUTER)[1];
* Minimax implementation using alpha-beta pruning
* @param b - the board to perform MM on
* @param d - the current depth
* @param alf - alpha
* @param bet - beta
* @param p - current player
array<int, 2> miniMax(vector<vector<int> > &b, unsigned int d, int alf, int bet, unsigned int p) {
* if we've reached minimal depth allowed by the program
* we need to stop, so force it to return current values
* since a move will never (theoretically) get this deep,
* the column doesn't matter (-1) but we're more interested
* in the score
* as well, we need to take into consideration how many moves
* ie when the board is full
if (d == 0 || d >= (NUM_COL * NUM_ROW) - turns) {
// get current score to return
return array<int, 2>{tabScore(b, COMPUTER), -1};
if (p == COMPUTER) { // if AI player
array<int, 2> moveSoFar = {INT_MIN, -1}; // since maximizing, we want lowest possible value
if (winningMove(b, PLAYER)) { // if player about to win
return moveSoFar; // force it to say it's worst possible score, so it knows to avoid move
} // otherwise, business as usual
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) { // for each possible move
if (b[NUM_ROW - 1][c] == 0) { // but only if that column is non-full
vector<vector<int> > newBoard = copyBoard(b); // make a copy of the board
makeMove(newBoard, c, p); // try the move
int score = miniMax(newBoard, d - 1, alf, bet, PLAYER)[0]; // find move based on that new board state
if (score > moveSoFar[0]) { // if better score, replace it, and consider that best move (for now)
moveSoFar = {score, (int)c};
alf = max(alf, moveSoFar[0]);
if (alf >= bet) { break; } // for pruning
return moveSoFar; // return best possible move
else {
array<int, 2> moveSoFar = {INT_MAX, -1}; // since PLAYER is minimized, we want moves that diminish this score
if (winningMove(b, COMPUTER)) {
return moveSoFar; // if about to win, report that move as best
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
if (b[NUM_ROW - 1][c] == 0) {
vector<vector<int> > newBoard = copyBoard(b);
makeMove(newBoard, c, p);
int score = miniMax(newBoard, d - 1, alf, bet, COMPUTER)[0];
if (score < moveSoFar[0]) {
moveSoFar = {score, (int)c};
bet = min(bet, moveSoFar[0]);
if (alf >= bet) { break; }
return moveSoFar;
* function to tabulate current board "value"
* @param b - the board to evaluate
* @param p - the player to check score of
* @return - the board score
int tabScore(vector<vector<int> > b, unsigned int p) {
int score = 0;
vector<unsigned int> rs(NUM_COL);
vector<unsigned int> cs(NUM_ROW);
vector<unsigned int> set(WINNING_PUCKS);
* horizontal checks, we're looking for sequences of WINNING_PUCKS
* containing any combination of AI, PLAYER, and empty pieces
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
rs[c] = b[r][c]; // this is a distinct row alone
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
set[i] = rs[c + i]; // for each possible "set" of WINNING_PUCKS spots from that row
score += scoreSet(set, p); // find score
// vertical
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
cs[r] = b[r][c];
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
set[i] = cs[r + i];
score += scoreSet(set, p);
// diagonals
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
rs[c] = b[r][c];
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
set[i] = b[r + i][c + i];
score += scoreSet(set, p);
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
rs[c] = b[r][c];
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
set[i] = b[r + WINNING_PUCKS - 1 - i][c + i];
score += scoreSet(set, p);
return score;
* function to find the score of a set of WINNING_PUCKS spots
* @param v - the row/column to check
* @param p - the player to check against
* @return - the score of the row/column
int scoreSet(vector<unsigned int> v, unsigned int p) {
unsigned int good = 0; // points in favor of p
unsigned int bad = 0; // points against p
unsigned int empty = 0; // neutral spots
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { // just enumerate how many of each
good += (v[i] == p) ? 1 : 0;
bad += (v[i] == PLAYER || v[i] == COMPUTER) ? 1 : 0;
empty += (v[i] == 0) ? 1 : 0;
// bad was calculated as (bad + good), so remove good
bad -= good;
return heurFunction(good, bad, empty);
* """heuristic function"""
* @param g - good points
* @param b - bad points
* @param z - empty spots
* @return - the score as tabulated
// int heurFunction(unsigned int g, unsigned int b, unsigned int z) {
// int score = 0;
// if (g == 4) { score += 500001; } // preference to go for winning move vs. block
// else if (g == 3 && z == 1) { score += 5000; }
// else if (g == 2 && z == 2) { score += 500; }
// else if (b == 2 && z == 2) { score -= 501; } // preference to block
// else if (b == 3 && z == 1) { score -= 5001; } // preference to block
// else if (b == 4) { score -= 500000; }
// return score;
// }
int heurFunction(unsigned int g, unsigned int b, unsigned int z) {
int score = 0;
if (g == WINNING_PUCKS) { score += 500001; } // preference to go for winning move vs. block
else if (g > z) { score += 5000; }
else if (g == z) { score += 500; }
else if (b == z) { score -= 501; } // preference to block
else if (b > z) { score -= 5001; } // preference to block
else if (b == WINNING_PUCKS) { score -= 500000; }
return score;
* function to determine if a winning move is made
* @param b - the board to check
* @param p - the player to check against
* @return - whether that player can have a winning move
bool winningMove(vector<vector<int> > &b, unsigned int p) {
unsigned int winSequence = 0; // to count adjacent pieces
// for horizontal checks
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) { // for each column
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) { // each row
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) { // recall you need WINNING_PUCKS to win
if ((unsigned int)b[r][c + i] == p) { // if not all pieces match
winSequence++; // add sequence count
if (winSequence == WINNING_PUCKS) { return true; } // if WINNING_PUCKS in row
winSequence = 0; // reset counter
// vertical checks
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
if ((unsigned int)b[r + i][c] == p) {
if (winSequence == WINNING_PUCKS) { return true; }
winSequence = 0;
// the below two are diagonal checks
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) {
for (unsigned int r = 3; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
if ((unsigned int)b[r - i][c + i] == p) {
if (winSequence == WINNING_PUCKS) { return true; }
winSequence = 0;
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); c++) {
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW - (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r++) {
for (int i = 0; i < WINNING_PUCKS; i++) {
if ((unsigned int)b[r + i][c + i] == p) {
if (winSequence == WINNING_PUCKS) { return true; }
winSequence = 0;
return false; // otherwise no winning move
* sets up the board to be filled with empty spaces
* also used to reset the board to this state
void initBoard() {
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
board[r][c] = 0; // make sure board is empty initially
* function to copy board state to another 2D vector
* ie. make a duplicate board; used for mutating copies rather
* than the original
* @param b - the board to copy
* @return - said copy
vector<vector<int> > copyBoard(vector<vector<int> > b) {
vector<vector<int>> newBoard(NUM_ROW, vector<int>(NUM_COL));
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
newBoard[r][c] = b[r][c]; // just straight copy
return newBoard;
* prints the board to console out
* @param b - the board to print
void printBoard(vector<vector<int> > &b) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_COL; i++) {
cout << " " << i;
cout << endl << "---------------" << endl;
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < NUM_COL; c++) {
cout << "|";
switch (b[NUM_ROW - r - 1][c]) {
case 0: cout << " "; break; // no piece
case 1: cout << "O"; break; // one player's piece
case 2: cout << "X"; break; // other player's piece
if (c + 1 == NUM_COL) { cout << "|"; }
cout << endl;
cout << "---------------" << endl;
cout << endl;
* handler for displaying error messages
* @param t - the type of error to display
void errorMessage(int t) {
if (t == 1) { // non-int input
cout << "Use a value 0.." << NUM_COL - 1 << endl;
else if (t == 2) { // out of bounds
cout << "That is not a valid column." << endl;
else if (t == 3) { // full column
cout << "That column is full." << endl;
cout << endl;
* main driver
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// int i = -1; bool flag = false;
// if (argc == 2) {
// istringstream in(argv[1]);
// if (!(in >> i)) { flag = true; }
// if (i > (int)(NUM_ROW * NUM_COL) || i <= -1) { flag = true; }
// if (flag) { cout << "Invalid command line argument, using default depth = 5." << endl; }
// else { MAX_DEPTH = i; }
// }
if(argc <= 1){
cout << "No arguments fed. Terminating";
return 0;
if(argc == 4){
int gridSize = atoi(argv[1]);
int diskAmount = atoi(argv[2]);
bool firstTurn = (bool)argv[3];
if(gridSize < 3 || gridSize > 10){
cout << "Incorrect Grid size";
return 0;
if(diskAmount < 1 || diskAmount > gridSize){
cout << "Incorrect disk amount";
return 0;
NUM_COL = gridSize;
NUM_ROW = gridSize;
WINNING_PUCKS = diskAmount;
FIRST_PLAYER = firstTurn;
cout << "Incorrect amount of arguments. Terminating";
return 0;
//cout << NUM_COL << endl << WINNING_PUCKS << endl << FIRST_PLAYER << endl;
initBoard(); // initial setup
playGame(); // begin the game
return 0; // exit state
在我看来,您没有更改游戏早期版本中的 hard-coded 值之一。在第 336 行,你有
for (unsigned int r = 3; r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
for (unsigned int r = (WINNING_PUCKS - 1); r < NUM_ROW; r++) {
请注意,虽然这部分现在应该可以正常工作,但当我 运行 它时,它仍然会在到达 end-game 时崩溃并显示错误消息:
double free or corruption (out)
Aborted (core dumped)