如何使用 MDAnalysis 计算蛋白质的质心?
How to calculate center of mass of proteins using MDAnalysis?
我的处境有点不寻常。根据残基名称,有七种不同的蛋白质存储在一个文件中。每种蛋白质都有不同的序列长度。现在我需要计算每个蛋白质的质心并生成一个时间序列 data.I 知道如何处理单个蛋白质,但不知道如何处理多个蛋白质系统。对于单一蛋白质,我可以这样做:
import MDAnalysis as mda
import numpy as np
u = mda.Universe('lp400start.gro')
u1 = mda.Merge(u.select_atoms("not resname W and not resname WF and not resname ION"))
protein = u1.select_atoms("protein")
arr = np.empty((protein.n_residues, u1.trajectory.n_frames, 3))
for ts in u.trajectory:
arr[:, ts.frame] = protein.center_of_mass(compound='residues')
数据文件公开可用 here。可以使用grep "^ *1[A-Z]" -B1 lp400final.gro | grep -v "^ *1[A-Z]"
38ALA BB 74 52.901 33.911 6.318
38ALA BB 148 41.842 29.381 7.211
137GLY BB 455 36.756 4.287 3.284
137GLY BB 762 44.721 60.377 3.112
252HIS SC3 1368 28.682 37.936 6.727
252HIS SC3 1974 18.533 46.506 6.314
576PHE SC3 3263 48.937 38.538 4.013
576PHE SC3 4552 18.513 25.948 3.800
1092PRO SC1 6470 42.510 40.992 6.775
1092PRO SC1 8388 14.709 4.759 6.370
1016LEU SC110524 57.264 56.308 2.632
1016LEU SC112660 50.716 14.698 2.728
1285LYS SC215345 0.793 33.529 1.509
第一个蛋白质的序列长度为 38 个残基,它有自己的副本,然后是第二个蛋白质,依此类推。现在我想在每个时间范围内获得每个蛋白质的 COM,并将其构建成一个时间序列。除了蛋白质拓扑文件外,还包含 DPPC 粒子。 Could someone help me how to do this?
为了确保输出轨迹是正确的,它看起来像这样enter link description here
我将从 TPR 文件加载系统以维护债券信息。然后 MDAnalysis 可以确定片段(即您的蛋白质)。然后遍历片段以确定COM时间序列:
import MDAnalysis as mda
import numpy as np
# files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.846428
TPR = "lp400.tpr"
XTC = "lp400.xtc"
# build reduced universe to match XTC
# (ignore warnings that no coordinates are found for the TPR)
u0 = mda.Universe(TPR)
u = mda.Merge(u0.select_atoms("not resname W and not resname WF and not resname ION"))
# segments (exclude the last one, which is DPPC and not protein)
protein_segments = u.segments[:-1]
# build the fragments
# (a dictionary with the key as the protein name -- I am using an
# OrderedDict so that the order is the same as in the TPR)
from collections import OrderedDict
protein_fragments = OrderedDict((seg.segid[6:], seg.atoms.fragments) for seg in protein_segments)
# analyze trajectory (with a nice progress bar)
timeseries = []
for ts in mda.log.ProgressBar(u.trajectory):
coms = []
for name, proteins in protein_fragments.items():
# loop over all the different proteins;
# unwrap to get the true COM under PBC (double check!!)
coms.extend([p.center_of_mass(unwrap=True) for p in proteins])
timeseries = np.array(timeseries)
- 仔细检查
- 展开很慢;如果您不需要它,它会 运行 更快。
- 生成的数组是一个形状为
(N_timesteps, M_proteins, 3)
的 3d 数组,即 (10001, 14, 3)
OrderedDict([('EPHA', (<AtomGroup with 74 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 74 atoms>)),
('OMPA', (<AtomGroup with 307 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 307 atoms>)),
('OMPG', (<AtomGroup with 606 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 606 atoms>)),
('BTUB', (<AtomGroup with 1289 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 1289 atoms>)),
('ATPS', (<AtomGroup with 1918 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 1918 atoms>)),
('GLPF', (<AtomGroup with 2136 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 2136 atoms>)),
('FOCA', (<AtomGroup with 2685 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 2685 atoms>))])
我的处境有点不寻常。根据残基名称,有七种不同的蛋白质存储在一个文件中。每种蛋白质都有不同的序列长度。现在我需要计算每个蛋白质的质心并生成一个时间序列 data.I 知道如何处理单个蛋白质,但不知道如何处理多个蛋白质系统。对于单一蛋白质,我可以这样做:
import MDAnalysis as mda
import numpy as np
u = mda.Universe('lp400start.gro')
u1 = mda.Merge(u.select_atoms("not resname W and not resname WF and not resname ION"))
protein = u1.select_atoms("protein")
arr = np.empty((protein.n_residues, u1.trajectory.n_frames, 3))
for ts in u.trajectory:
arr[:, ts.frame] = protein.center_of_mass(compound='residues')
数据文件公开可用 here。可以使用grep "^ *1[A-Z]" -B1 lp400final.gro | grep -v "^ *1[A-Z]"
38ALA BB 74 52.901 33.911 6.318
38ALA BB 148 41.842 29.381 7.211
137GLY BB 455 36.756 4.287 3.284
137GLY BB 762 44.721 60.377 3.112
252HIS SC3 1368 28.682 37.936 6.727
252HIS SC3 1974 18.533 46.506 6.314
576PHE SC3 3263 48.937 38.538 4.013
576PHE SC3 4552 18.513 25.948 3.800
1092PRO SC1 6470 42.510 40.992 6.775
1092PRO SC1 8388 14.709 4.759 6.370
1016LEU SC110524 57.264 56.308 2.632
1016LEU SC112660 50.716 14.698 2.728
1285LYS SC215345 0.793 33.529 1.509
第一个蛋白质的序列长度为 38 个残基,它有自己的副本,然后是第二个蛋白质,依此类推。现在我想在每个时间范围内获得每个蛋白质的 COM,并将其构建成一个时间序列。除了蛋白质拓扑文件外,还包含 DPPC 粒子。 Could someone help me how to do this?
为了确保输出轨迹是正确的,它看起来像这样enter link description here
我将从 TPR 文件加载系统以维护债券信息。然后 MDAnalysis 可以确定片段(即您的蛋白质)。然后遍历片段以确定COM时间序列:
import MDAnalysis as mda
import numpy as np
# files from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.846428
TPR = "lp400.tpr"
XTC = "lp400.xtc"
# build reduced universe to match XTC
# (ignore warnings that no coordinates are found for the TPR)
u0 = mda.Universe(TPR)
u = mda.Merge(u0.select_atoms("not resname W and not resname WF and not resname ION"))
# segments (exclude the last one, which is DPPC and not protein)
protein_segments = u.segments[:-1]
# build the fragments
# (a dictionary with the key as the protein name -- I am using an
# OrderedDict so that the order is the same as in the TPR)
from collections import OrderedDict
protein_fragments = OrderedDict((seg.segid[6:], seg.atoms.fragments) for seg in protein_segments)
# analyze trajectory (with a nice progress bar)
timeseries = []
for ts in mda.log.ProgressBar(u.trajectory):
coms = []
for name, proteins in protein_fragments.items():
# loop over all the different proteins;
# unwrap to get the true COM under PBC (double check!!)
coms.extend([p.center_of_mass(unwrap=True) for p in proteins])
timeseries = np.array(timeseries)
- 仔细检查
是否在做正确的事情(这是必要的——我没有检查是否有任何蛋白质跨周期性边界分裂)。 - 展开很慢;如果您不需要它,它会 运行 更快。
- 生成的数组是一个形状为
(N_timesteps, M_proteins, 3)
的 3d 数组,即(10001, 14, 3)
. protein_fragments
的内容是OrderedDict([('EPHA', (<AtomGroup with 74 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 74 atoms>)), ('OMPA', (<AtomGroup with 307 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 307 atoms>)), ('OMPG', (<AtomGroup with 606 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 606 atoms>)), ('BTUB', (<AtomGroup with 1289 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 1289 atoms>)), ('ATPS', (<AtomGroup with 1918 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 1918 atoms>)), ('GLPF', (<AtomGroup with 2136 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 2136 atoms>)), ('FOCA', (<AtomGroup with 2685 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 2685 atoms>))])