Indesign 脚本 UI:在确定取消按钮之前动态添加文本编辑字段

Indesign Script UI: Dynamic Add Text Edit Fields before OK-Cancel Buttons

我正在尝试显示一个脚本 ui window 如果用户单击“添加另一个”按钮而不是“确定”或“取消”按钮,它将添加另一组输入字段...

我完成了某种工作...即我可以展示一个简单的两组,ui window (第 1 组 = 1 个文本编辑字段和一个下拉列表以及添加另一个按钮 第 2 组 = 正常的确定-取消按钮)

如果用户在前 2 个输入字段中填写 in/chooses,然后忽略“添加另一个”按钮并使用“确定-取消”按钮,脚本将继续正常运行。 但是,如果用户单击“添加另一个”按钮,脚本会利用 call-back/event 处理函数 (add_AnotherInputline) 首先删除“确定-取消”按钮组,然后添加(通过 add_inputFields 函数)另一个一组文本编辑字段和下拉列表,然后重新添加确定-取消按钮... (我想不出另一种方法让确定-取消按钮移动或始终停留在底部window!) 但是删除-添加 OK-Cancel 按钮组是我的问题所在。当我这样做时,这些按钮在用户使用 add_AnotherInputLine 函数后不再起作用......这在数据浏览器中可以看到,因为此时在脚本中 cancelElement并且 defaultElement 现在等于 = 对象无效

这是 window/ui 代码...我希望这就足够了。我遗漏了以下代码中使用的大量先验(数组、变量)...如果您需要它们,它们是带有文本项的简单数组或询问我可以提供包含内容的 variables/arrays。

(是的,我有 G. Singelmann 脚本并对其进行了广泛研究......我还没有从中找出解决方案,以满足我的特殊需要......)

var myCSdialog = new Window("dialog", "Setup Color Coding");
    //begin building dialog box myDialog
    if (myCSdialog.children.length <= 1) {
if ( == 1) {
        userCancelled = false;

} else {

//function adds criteria input collection fields (text criteria and swatch choice)

function add_inputFields(myCSdialog) {
        var myEnterCriteriaGroup = myCSdialog.add("group");
        //title for first input
        myEnterCriteriaGroup.add("statictext",undefined,"Criteria to Color Code");
        //text entry field to enter criteria term
        var myEnterCriteria = myEnterCriteriaGroup.add("edittext",undefined,"");//field for entering text criteria
            myEnterCriteria.characters = 25;
   = true;
        var myListOfColors = myEnterCriteriaGroup.add("dropdownlist",undefined,mySwatchNames);//dropdown field for choosing swatch
        //add button to add another row of fields to gather another set of user input
        var addAnother_button = myEnterCriteriaGroup.add("button", undefined, "Add Another");
        //event handler registered
        addAnother_button.onClick = add_AnotherInputLine; //no passing parameters here! won't show button to be clicked!

            //event handler...callback functions put input into arrays
                myEnterCriteria.onChange = function() {

                myListOfColors.onChange = function() {
                    if(myListOfColors.selection === null) {
                    } else {
      //if you don't add another group (add_AnotherInputLine() function...text edit field & dropdown) it hangs here... Ok or Cancel button do nothing...


 //function adds another input row (text criteria and swatch choice) need to find a way NOT to remove OK/Cancel buttons...
function add_AnotherInputLine() {
    myCSdialog.remove(myCSdialog.children[myCSdialog.children.length - 1]);
    if (myCSdialog.children.length >= 1) {

//function adds OK - Cancel buttons
function normalButtons(myCSdialog) {
        var myDialogButtons = myCSdialog.add("group");
        myDialogButtons.alignment = "right";   
        myDialogButtons.add("button", undefined, "OK");
        myDialogButtons.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");


var mySwatchNames = app.activeDocument.swatches.everyItem().name

var myCSdialog = new Window("dialog", "Setup Color Coding");
    // dialogSetup();
    //begin building dialog box myDialog

    var maingroup = myCSdialog.add('panel')//Added line
    // You need to put those InputFields into a container, to make sure 
whenever you click on 'Add Another' button, the new fields will always 
above the Yes/No button

    //So whenever you generate new fields, it will be always inside its 
container 'maingroup', 
    //and the maingroup is the same level as YES/NO group, so YES/NO 
will be always at the very end of the dialog.


    myCSdialog.layout.layout(true)//Added line
    // Why I put this line here? Because when the script renders the add_inputFields(maingroup) 
    //in the first time, there is another myCSdialog.layout.layout(true) at the end of the function dd_inputFields(maingroup).
    // After this function, if you create OK/Cancel buttons, they won't show up, because the line myCSdialog.layout.layout(true) stop u generating those buttons.
    // You need this line to re-render the dialog, to have OK/Cancel showed up.
//function adds criteria input collection fields (text criteria and swatch choice)

function add_inputFields(maingroup) {
        var myEnterCriteriaGroup = maingroup.add("group");
        //title for first input
        myEnterCriteriaGroup.add("statictext",undefined,"Criteria to Color Code");
        //text entry field to enter criteria term
        var myEnterCriteria = myEnterCriteriaGroup.add("edittext",undefined,"");//field for entering text criteria
            myEnterCriteria.characters = 25;
   = true;
        var myListOfColors = myEnterCriteriaGroup.add("dropdownlist",undefined,mySwatchNames);//dropdown field for choosing swatch
        //add button to add another row of fields to gather another set of user input
        var addAnother_button = myEnterCriteriaGroup.add("button", undefined, "Add Another");
        //event handler registered
        addAnother_button.onClick = add_AnotherInputLine; //no passing parameters here! won't show button to be clicked!

            //event handler...callback functions put input into arrays
                myEnterCriteria.onChange = function() {

                myListOfColors.onChange = function() {
                    if(myListOfColors.selection === null) {
                    } else {
                myCSdialog.layout.layout(true)//Added line
                //As I explained above, this line is just like you are asking the window to re-render the dialog, whenever you click 'Add Another' button.
                //This line will stop you generate the OK/Cancel buttons, so the dialog won't render them. That is why I added extra line at the top.

      //if you don't add another group (add_AnotherInputLine() function...text edit field & dropdown) it hangs here... Ok or Cancel button do nothing...


 //function adds another input row (text criteria and swatch choice) need to find a way NOT to remove OK/Cancel buttons...
function add_AnotherInputLine() {

//function adds OK - Cancel buttons
function normalButtons(myCSdialog) {
        var myDialogButtons = myCSdialog.add("group");
        myDialogButtons.alignment = "right";   
        myDialogButtons.add("button", undefined, "OK");
        myDialogButtons.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");