(Terraform) 错误 403: Cloud 运行 Admin API 之前未在项目 905986752003 中使用过或被禁用。通过访问 https://console.d 启用它

(Terraform) Error 403: Cloud Run Admin API has not been used in project 905986752003 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.d

GCP 上,我将下面的 Terraform 代码应用到 运行 Cloud 运行 服务“渲染器”:

resource "google_cloud_run_service" "renderer" {
  name     = "renderer"
  location = "asia-northeast1"

  template {
    spec {
      containers {
        image = "gcr.io/${var.project_id}/renderer:latest"


Error creating Service: googleapi: Error 403: Cloud Run Admin API has not been used in project 905986752003 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/run.googleapis.com/overview?project=905986752003 then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.

所以,我去了上面这个错误中显示的url https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/run.googleapis.com/overview?project=905986752003


然后,再次应用此 Terraform 代码:

resource "google_cloud_run_service" "renderer" {
  name     = "renderer"
  location = "asia-northeast1"

  template {
    spec {
      containers {
        image = "gcr.io/${var.project_id}/renderer:latest"

最后,我可以 运行 云 运行 服务“renderer”:

现在,我想使用 Terraform 代码启用 Cloud 运行 API

是否可以使用 Terraform 代码启用 Cloud 运行 API,如果可能,如何实现我要使用 Terraform 代码启用 Cloud 运行 API 吗?

是的,可以使用 Terraform 代码启用 Cloud 运行 API。因此,您需要添加此 Terraform 代码:

resource "google_project_service" "cloud_run_api" {
  service = "run.googleapis.com"

然后,你还需要添加"depends_on"块和"google_project_service.cloud_run_api"等待要启用 Cloud 运行 API

resource "google_cloud_run_service" "renderer" {
  name     = "renderer"
  location = "asia-northeast1"

  template {
    spec {
      containers {
        image = "gcr.io/${var.project_id}/renderer:latest"
  depends_on = [ // Here


Error creating Service: googleapi: Error 403: Cloud Run Admin API has not been used in project 905986752003 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/run.googleapis.com/overview?project=905986752003 then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.

这是完整的 Terrafrom 代码:

resource "google_project_service" "cloud_run_api" {
  service = "run.googleapis.com"

resource "google_cloud_run_service" "renderer" {
  name     = "renderer"
  location = "asia-northeast1"

  template {
    spec {
      containers {
        image = "gcr.io/${var.project_id}/renderer:latest"
  depends_on = [

此外,启用Cloud 运行后,您可以在重定向到的页面中找到服务名称“run.googleapis.com” API:

resource "google_project_service" "cloud_run_api" {
  service = "run.googleapis.com" // Service name

因此,在您启用 Cloud 运行 API 之后:

