为什么最新的 Python 3.8.x 版本没有提供 Windows 安装程序?

Why the latest Python 3.8.x release provides no Windows installer?

我需要在Windows电脑上安装Python 3.8,希望使用最新的3.8.12次要版本。官方发布网页提供了源代码的 tarball 文件,但没有 Windows 安装程序。 Python 3.8.10 提供了 Windows 个安装程序,但不是最新版本。



https://devguide.python.org/#status-of-python-branches 提供各种版本状态的摘要。

new features, bugfixes, and security fixes are accepted.

feature fixes, bugfixes, and security fixes are accepted for the upcoming feature release.

bugfixes and security fixes are accepted, new binaries are still released. (Also called maintenance mode or stable release)

only security fixes are accepted and no more binaries are released, but new source-only versions can be released

release cycle is frozen; no further changes can be pushed to it.

Python 3.8 当前处于安全模式,因此 只有 源代码版本(没有二进制安装程序)由 Python 本身提供。

正如page you linked to所说,

According to the release calendar specified in PEP 569, Python 3.8 is now in the "security fixes only" stage of its life cycle: 3.8 branch only accepts security fixes and releases of those are made irregularly in source-only form until October 2024. Python 3.8 isn't receiving regular bug fixes anymore, and binary installers are no longer provided for it. Python 3.8.10 was the last full bugfix release of Python 3.8 with binary installers.

Python 3.8.10 是 bug 修复阶段的最后一个版本,也是 Python 官方提供二进制安装程序的最后一个版本。如果您想要 3.8.12 的二进制安装程序,您必须自己从源代码中制作一个,或者找其他已经完成或将为您完成的人。