需要有关 powershell 脚本的帮助

Need assistance with powershell script

见下面的代码 ##If user inputs %100 or a100 or non-numeric value for temp,我需要显示“错误:你必须输入一个数值!” Write-host $("错误:您必须输入数值!") ## 然后返回开始 ##我在猜测是否($value isnot [int])或类似的东西让它工作。谢谢你。 ##Error 我没有正确编码......华氏温度是多少:a111 ##无法将值“a111”转换为类型“System.Single”。错误:“输入字符串的格式不正确。”

Write-Host $("Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter")
Write-Host $("Script Written By Jesse  ")

$value = (Read-Host("What is the temperature in Fahrenheit"))
$fahr = (($value  -32) /9) *5
Write-Host $("Fahrenheit", $value, "is equal to Celsius:", [Math]::Round($fahr,3))
$input = (Read-Host("Do you want to convert another Fahrenheit value? (1 = yes, 0 = no)?"))
Write-Host ("="*31)

while ($input)
    if ($input -eq 1)
        Write-Host $("Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter")
        Write-Host $("Script Written By Jesse Nieto ")
        Write-Host ("="*31)
        $value = (Read-Host("What is the temperature in Fahrenheit"))
        $fahr = (($value -32) /9) *5
        Write-Host $("Fahrenheit", $value ,"is equal to Celsius:" ,[Math]::Round($fahr,3))
        $input = (Read-Host("Do you want to convert another Fahrenheit value? (1 = yes, 0 = no)?"))
    elseif ($input -eq 0)
        Write-Host $("Thank You. Bye! ")
        Write-Host $("Please enter a valid option! ")
        $input = (Read-Host ("Do you want to convert another Fahrenheit value? (1 = yes, 0 = no)?"))
        Write-Host ("="*31)

你的脚本有很多多余的代码可以简化,最大的问题是使用$input which is an automatic variable and should not be assigned manually. As for the formula to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius, you could use a function,顺便说一句,根据Google,公式应该是(X − 32) × 5 / 9虽然我不是这方面的专家,但请随意更改任何你喜欢的东西。

function ConvertTo-Celsius {
    ($value - 32) * 5 / 9

:outer while($true) {
    $value = Read-Host "What is the temperature in Fahrenheit"
    try {
        $celsius = ConvertTo-Celsius $value
    catch {
        # If input was invalid restart the loop
        Write-Host "Invalid input, only integers allowed!"

    Write-Host "Fahrenheit $value°F is equal to $([math]::Round($celsius, 3))°C"
    do {
        $shouldExit = Read-Host "Do you want to convert another Fahrenheit value? (1 = yes, 0 = no)?"
        switch($shouldExit) {
            0 {
                Write-Host "Thank You. Bye!"
                break outer
            1 { continue }
            Default { Write-Host "Please enter a valid option!" }
    } until($shouldExit -eq 1)