3d 三角测量与 DLT 一起使用,但不与投影矩阵一起使用 cv2.triangulatePoints

3d triangulation working with DLT but not with projection matrix using cv2.triangulatePoints


我有一个校准的立体相机设置,每个相机都有 11 个 DLT 系数(使用 easyWand package 估计的系数,该 easyWand package 使用在场景中移动的 'wand' 校准对象)。使用 DLT 方法的 3D 投影和获得的系数工作正常并产生合理的结果(见下图)。

使用 DLT 三角测量获得抛出物体的抛物线轨迹(绘图已旋转以与重力对齐)

但是,当我将 DLT 系数转换为投影矩阵时(P,其中 x = P X,其中 x 是二维像素坐标,P 是3x4 矩阵和 X 是包含对象 3d 坐标的齐次 4x1 矩阵)- 轨迹的 'shape' 有意义但值没有意义(x、y、z 的值接近 ~0.01) .



差异没有意义,因为 DLT 系数和投影矩阵是可相互转换的(例如,参见 this link)。


# The DLT coefficients for the two cameras 
import numpy as np 
import cv2 
camera1_dlt = np.array([-26.618, -169.460,  57.650,  306.560,  24.733,  11.723,  169.830,
        95.812,  0.220, -0.161,  0.110])
camera2_dlt = np.array([-75.615, -80.218,  43.704,  412.710,  1.655,  21.247,  110.420,
        235.580,  0.061, -0.145,  0.112])

# The projection matrix was derived from the DLT coefficients using the function belo

def extract_P_from_dlt(dltcoefs):
    '''function which recreates the Projection matrix
    # dltcoefs contains basically the correct matrix, it just needs to be
    # reshaped correctly
    all_coefs = np.concatenate((dltcoefs, np.array([1]))).flatten()
    P = all_coefs.reshape((4,3)).T
    return P

# The subset of common *undistorted* 2D points are given below here
cam1_pts = np.array([ [ 98.221,  358.293],
                      [ 142.927,  348.913],
                      [ 186.275,  344.950],
                      [ 225.152,  341.567]],dtype='float32')

cam2_pts = np.array([ [ 314.633,  195.970],
                      [ 335.168,  200.769],
                      [ 354.778,  207.820],
                      [ 372.543,  215.284]], dtype='float32')

# generate projection matrix 
Pcam1 = extract_P_from_dlt(camera1_dlt)
Pcam2 = extract_P_from_dlt(camera2_dlt)

# Now get 3D positions using cv2.triangulatePositions
xyz_cv2 = []
for pt1, pt2 in zip(cam1_pts, cam2_pts):
    pt1_homog, pt2_homog = (X.reshape(1,1,2) for X in [pt1, pt2])
    position = cv2.triangulatePoints(Pcam1, Pcam2, pt1_homog, pt2_homog)
    final_xyz = cv2.convertPointsFromHomogeneous(position.T).flatten()


[ L1  L2  L3  L4 ]
[ L5  L6  L7  L8 ]
[ L9 L10 L11 L12 ]


[ L1  L4  L7  L10 ]
[ L2  L5  L8  L11]
[ L3  L6  L9  L12 ]

此外,L12 不是堆叠 1,而是堆叠 0。这是更新后的功能。

def extract_P_from_dlt(dltcoefs):
    '''function which recreates the Projection matrix'''
    dltcoefs = np.append(dltcoefs, 0)
    norm = np.linalg.norm(dltcoefs)
    dltcoefs = dltcoefs/norm

    P = dltcoefs.reshape(3,4)
    return P


# The DLT coefficients for the two cameras 
import numpy as np 
import cv2 

camera1_dlt = np.array([-26.618, -169.460,  57.650,  306.560,  24.733,  11.723,  169.830,
        95.812,  0.220, -0.161,  0.110])
camera2_dlt = np.array([-75.615, -80.218,  43.704,  412.710,  1.655,  21.247,  110.420,
        235.580,  0.061, -0.145,  0.112])

# The projection matrix was derived from the DLT coefficients using the function belo

def extract_P_from_dlt(dltcoefs):
    '''function which recreates the Projection matrix'''
    dltcoefs = np.append(dltcoefs, 0)
    norm = np.linalg.norm(dltcoefs)
    dltcoefs = dltcoefs/norm

    P = dltcoefs.reshape(3,4)
    return P

# The subset of common *undistorted* 2D points are given below here
cam1_pts = np.array([ [ 98.221,  358.293],
                      [ 142.927,  348.913],
                      [ 186.275,  344.950],
                      [ 225.152,  341.567]],dtype='float32')

cam2_pts = np.array([ [ 314.633,  195.970],
                      [ 335.168,  200.769],
                      [ 354.778,  207.820],
                      [ 372.543,  215.284]], dtype='float32')

# generate projection matrix 
Pcam1 = extract_P_from_dlt(camera1_dlt)
Pcam2 = extract_P_from_dlt(camera2_dlt)

# Now get 3D positions using cv2.triangulatePositions
xyz_cv2 = []
for pt1, pt2 in zip(cam1_pts, cam2_pts):
    pt1_homog, pt2_homog = (X.reshape(1,1,2) for X in [pt1, pt2])
    position = cv2.triangulatePoints(Pcam1, Pcam2, pt1_homog, pt2_homog)
    final_xyz = cv2.convertPointsFromHomogeneous(position.T).flatten()


更新的答案 - 包含了解图像来源约定的课程!

在与 easyWand 包的开发人员来回交流之后 - 事实证明图像的原始约定起着 的作用。

来自 easyWand 包的 DLT 系数是在假设 bottom-left 来源的情况下生成的。我的输入像素数据假定为 top-left 原点。这种起源约定的差异导致了错误的三角测量! 不需要任何类型的规范化!


# The DLT coefficients for the two cameras 
import numpy as np 
import cv2 

camera1_dlt = np.array([-26.618, -169.460,  57.650,  306.560,  24.733,  11.723,  169.830,
        95.812,  0.220, -0.161,  0.110])
camera2_dlt = np.array([-75.615, -80.218,  43.704,  412.710,  1.655,  21.247,  110.420,
        235.580,  0.061, -0.145,  0.112])

# The projection matrix was derived from the DLT coefficients using the function below

def extract_P_from_dlt_v2(dltcoefs):
    '''Change in order of placing dlt coefficients 
    into 3x4 matrix - NO normalisation
    dltcoefs = np.append(dltcoefs, 1)
    dltcoefs = dltcoefs

    P = dltcoefs.reshape(3,4)
    return P

# The subset of common *undistorted* 2D points are given below here with 
# top-left image origin (upper row is 0 and left column is 0)
cam1_pts = np.array([ [ 98.221,  358.293],
                      [ 142.927,  348.913],
                      [ 186.275,  344.950],
                      [ 225.152,  341.567]],dtype='float32')

cam2_pts = np.array([ [ 314.633,  195.970],
                      [ 335.168,  200.769],
                      [ 354.778,  207.820],
                      [ 372.543,  215.284]], dtype='float32')

# move the origin from upper left to bottom left
# Now bottom row is 0, left column is still as before
cam1_pts[:,1] = 511 - cam1_pts[:,1]
cam2_pts[:,1] = 511 - cam2_pts[:,1]

# generate projection matrix 
Pcam11 = extract_P_from_dlt_v2(camera1_dlt)
Pcam22 = extract_P_from_dlt_v2(camera2_dlt)

# Now get 3D positions using cv2.triangulatePositions
xyz_cv2 = []
for pt1, pt2 in zip(cam1_pts, cam2_pts):
    pt1_homog, pt2_homog = (X.reshape(1,1,2) for X in [pt1, pt2])
    position = cv2.triangulatePoints(Pcam11, Pcam22, pt1_homog, pt2_homog)
    final_xyz = cv2.convertPointsFromHomogeneous(position.T).flatten()

# Now get 3D positions using cv2.triangulatePositions
xyz_cv2 = []
for pt1, pt2 in zip(cam1_pts, cam2_pts):
    pt1_homog, pt2_homog = (X.reshape(1,1,2) for X in [pt1, pt2])
    position = cv2.triangulatePoints(Pcam11, Pcam22, pt1_homog, pt2_homog)
    final_xyz = cv2.convertPointsFromHomogeneous(position.T).flatten()

xyz_cv2 = np.array(xyz_cv2).reshape(-1,3)

a0 = plt.subplot(111, projection='3d')
plt.plot(xyz_cv2[:,0], xyz_cv2[:,2], xyz_cv2[:,1], '*') # the y and z need to be swapped 

输出的 xyz 坐标与直接使用 DLT 重建方法生成的坐标相匹配 - 该方法采用 11 个 DLT 系数对对象位置进行三角测量。