如何使用 enrichHeaders 方法使用 java dsl 获取 xml 元素的 xpath

How to use enrichHeaders method to pick up xpath of an xml element using java dsl

我正在尝试在 spring 集成中使用 java dsl 获取 xml 元素的 xpth。我试图将元素名称放在 enrichHeaders 方法中,但它似乎不起作用。这是代码:

return IntegrationFlows.from(Http.inboundGateway("/person")
                        .requestMapping(m -> m.methods(HttpMethod.POST)
                .enrichHeaders( h -> h.header("bsn","/BG:prsLa01/BG:body/BG:object/BG:bsn"))
                .transform(new XmlToJsonTransformer())

支持 xPath:


xpath SpEL 函数

Spring Integration, since version 3.0, provides the built-in #xpath SpEL function, which invokes the XPathUtils.evaluate(…​) static method. This method delegates to an org.springframework.xml.xpath.XPathExpression. The following listing shows some usage examples:

<transformer expression="#xpath(payload, '/name')"/>

<filter expression="#xpath(payload, headers.xpath, 'boolean')"/>

<splitter expression="#xpath(payload, '//book', 'document_list')"/>

<router expression="#xpath(payload, '/person/@age', 'number')">
    <mapping channel="output1" value="16"/>
    <mapping channel="output2" value="45"/>

The #xpath() also supports a third optional parameter for converting the result of the XPath evaluation. It can be one of the String constants (string, boolean, number, node, node_list and document_list) or an org.springframework.xml.xpath.NodeMapper instance. By default, the #xpath SpEL function returns a String representation of the XPath evaluation.

To enable the #xpath SpEL function, you can add the spring-integration-xml.jar to the classpath. You need no declare any components from the Spring Integration XML Namespace. For more information, see "`Spring Expression Language (SpEL).


.enrichHeaders(h -> 
             h.headerExpression("bsn", "#xpath(payload, '/BG:body/BG:object/BG:bsn')"))

另一种方法是 XPathExpressionEvaluatingHeaderValueMessageProcessor:



        public IntegrationFlow xpathHeaderEnricherFlow() {
            return IntegrationFlows.from("xpathHeaderEnricherInput")
                            s -> s.header("one",
                                    new XPathExpressionEvaluatingHeaderValueMessageProcessor("/root/elementOne"))
                                            new XPathExpressionEvaluatingHeaderValueMessageProcessor("/root/elementTwo"))
                                    .messageProcessor(m -> s.header("foo", "bar")),
                            c -> c.autoStartup(false).id("xpathHeaderEnricher")