IL 指令 "cpobj" 是否适用于引用类型?

Is IL instruction "cpobj" applicable for reference types?

Microsoft Docs 说:

The behavior of cpobj is unspecified if ……, or if classTok does not represent a value type.

但是 ECMA 335 说:

If typeTok is a reference type, the cpobj instruction has the same effect as ldind.ref followed by stind.ref.


如果我们查看 ECMA-335 之前的版本,我们会发现第 3 版更改了措辞以指定:

If typeTok is a reference type, the cpobj instruction has the same effect as ldind.ref followed by stind.ref.

第 1 版和第 2 版中的措辞与 MSDN 上的一致。

因此,我认为可以肯定地说 ECMA-335 第 6 版是正确的,而 MSDN 已过时。