
Trouble when I try to set a macro expression



1 4 1
1 3 4
1 3 5
1 3 6
2 1 3

我想对这 3 个数字求和并将结果作为第 4 个数字,我想对每一行都这样做。


qq # I register a macro with q letter
"ay # I move to the first line and first number (1) and save it into a
"by # I do the same with number 4
"cy # and for the last number of the line, number 1
esc+i # I go to insert mode and move to the position where I want the sum
ctrl+r+= # to go to the expression mode
ctrl+r+a + ctrl+r+b + ctrl+r+c # to take the numbers from the registers and sum them and I have the correct sum result pasted
esc # to exit from insert mode
q # to save the macro

如果我将它与 @q 一起用于其他行,它不起作用,但如果我使用我在录制宏时使用的同一行来执行它,它就可以工作,并粘贴相同的重复结果:

1 4 11
1 3 4
1 3 5
1 3 6
2 1 3


  • "ay"by"cy 自己什么都不做。 y 是一个运算符,所以它需要一个动作。正确的命令是 "ayiw"byiw"cyiw.
  • 我不确定你想用 esc+i 实现什么,但它不太可能允许你在最后一个数字之后附加任何内容。
  • 无论如何,你的解释中缺少太多步骤,因此很难调试你的宏。


qq                                " start recording in @q
0                                 " move the cursor to the first column
"ayiw                             " yank the word under the cursor to @a
w                                 " move the cursor to the next word
"byiw                             " yank the word under the cursor to @b
w                                 " move the cursor to the next word
"cyiw                             " yank the word under the cursor to @c
A<Space>                          " append a space at the end of the line
<C-r>=<C-r>a+<C-r>b+<C-r>c<CR>    " insert the sum of @a, @b, and @c
<Esc>                             " leave insert mode
q                                 " stop recording

参见 :help 0help text-objects:help w:help A


A <C-r>=getline('.')->split(' ')->reduce({ a, v -> a + v })<CR>

参见 :help getline():help split():help reduce()

Select 您要求和的行范围和 运行:

:'<,'>s/\v^(\d+ )(\d+ )(\d+)/\=submatch(1) . submatch(2) . submatch(3) . ' ' . (submatch(1) + submatch(2) + submatch(3))

注意:'<,'> 它将由 vim



\v ................. very magic search (avoid many backslashes)
^ .................. start of line
() ................. regex group
\d+ ................ one digit or more
\= ................. expression register
submatch(1) ........ repeats the first regex group