如何使用 python 中的新 datasets/datafarmes 更新经过训练的 IsolationForest 模型?

How can update trained IsolationForest model with new datasets/datafarmes in python?

假设我适合 IsolationForest() algorithm from scikit-learn on time-series based Dataset1 or dataframe1 df1 and save the model using the methods mentioned & here。现在我想为 new dataset2 或 df2.



...learn incrementally from a mini-batch of instances (sometimes called “online learning”) is key to out-of-core learning as it guarantees that at any given time, there will be only a small amount of instances in the main memory. Choosing a good size for the mini-batch that balances relevancy and memory footprint could involve tuning.


如何使用新的数据集 2 更新在数据集 1 上训练并保存的 IF 模型?

您可以简单地对新数据重用 .fit() 调用 available to the estimator

这将是首选,尤其是在时间序列中,因为信号会发生变化并且您不希望较旧的 non-representative 数据被理解为可能正常(或异常)。

如果旧数据很重要,您可以简单地将较旧的训练数据和较新的输入信号数据合并在一起,然后再次调用 .fit()

还有旁注,according to sklearn documentation, it is better to use joblibpickle

MRE 资源如下:

# Model
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest

# Saving file
import joblib

# Data
import numpy as np

# Create a new model
model = IsolationForest()

# Generate some old data
df1 = np.random.randint(1,100,(100,10))
# Train the model

# Save it off
joblib.dump(model, 'isf_model.joblib')

# Load the model
model = joblib.load('isf_model.joblib')

# Generate new data
df2 = np.random.randint(1,500,(1000,10))

# If the original data is now not important, I can just call .fit() again.
# If you are using time-series based data, this is preferred, as older data may not be representative of the current state

# If the original data is important, I can simply join the old data to new data. There are multiple options for this:
# Pandas: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/merging.html
# Numpy: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.concatenate.html

combined_data = np.concatenate((df1, df2))