
How can I use a recursive loop to find the amount of times a value shows up between rolling any amount of dice with any amount of sides?


三个 6 面骰子

input: 6,3
Desired output: {3: 1, 4: 3, 5: 6, 6: 10, 7: 15, 8: 21, 9: 25, 10: 27, 11: 27, 12: 25, 13: 21, 14: 15, 15: 10, 16: 6, 17: 3, 18: 1}

四个 8 面骰子

input: 8,4
desired output: {4: 1, 5: 4, 6: 10, 7: 20, 8: 35, 9: 56, 10: 84, 11: 120, 12: 161, 13: 204, 14: 246, 15: 284, 16: 315, 17: 336, 18: 344, 19: 336, 20: 315, 21: 284, 22: 246, 23: 204, 24: 161, 25: 120, 26: 84, 27: 56, 28: 35, 29: 20, 30: 10, 31: 4, 32: 1}


def dice_range(dice_type,dice_count):
    dice_dict = {i+1:0 for i in range(dice_type*dice_count) if i+1 >= dice_count}
    return dice_dict

input: dice_range(8,3)
actual output: {3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 0, 16: 0, 17: 0, 18: 0, 19: 0, 20: 0, 21: 0, 22: 0, 23: 0, 24: 0}

有了这个我就能够弄清楚如何解决任何dice_type(边数)的特定数量的dice_count 这是前几个示例的解决方案:

dice_type = 6
dice_count = 3
temp = dice_range(dice_type,dice_count)
# for 3 dice of any number of sides
for x in range(1,dice_type+1):
    for i in range(1,dice_type+1):
        for j in range(1,dice_type+1):
            for k,v in temp.items():
                if x+i+j == k:
                    temp[k] +=1
dice_type = 8
dice_count = 4
temp = dice_range(dice_type,dice_count)
# for 4 dice of any number of sides
for y in range(1,dice_type+1):
    for x in range(1,dice_type+1):
        for i in range(1,dice_type+1):
            for j in range(1,dice_type+1):
                for k,v in temp.items():
                    if y+x+i+j == k:
                        temp[k] +=1



def dice_range(dice_type,dice_count):
    dice_dict = {i+1:0 for i in range(dice_type*dice_count) if i+1 >= dice_count}
    return dice_dict

def dice_value_calculator(dice_type,dice_count):
    PREDICTION = dice_range(dice_type,dice_count)
    # Tallies the number by 1 everytime it shows up in the loop.
    def fill_dict(total):
        for k in PREDICTION.keys():
            if total == k:
                PREDICTION[k] += 1
    def loop(temp_dice_count,loop_total = 0):
        for loop_i in range(1,(dice_type+1)):

            # Base Case | if the number of dice(dice_count) reaches 0 that means it reached the end of the recursion
            if temp_dice_count == 0:
                loop_total = 0
            # General Case / Recursive
                loop_total += loop_i
                temp_dice_count -= 1
                loop(temp_dice_count, loop_total)
    loop(dice_count) # calls the loop function 
    return PREDICTION # returns the temp dictionary


这是我得到的 三个 6 面骰子

{3: 2, 4: 4, 5: 0, 6: 2, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 0, 16: 0, 17: 0, 18: 0}

fill_dict() 函数和 dice_range() 函数都可以独立运行,所以这一定是我调用 loop()






  • 可用骰子数=组数=k
  • 一个骰子可以有最少的数字 = 1
  • 一个骰子可以有的最大数量=它得到的面数=上限=m


from math import comb
def get_i(n,k,m):
    for i in range(n+1):
        if (n - k + i*m >= 0) and (n-k - i*m - m < 0):
            return i

def s_nkm(n,k,m):
    for r in range( get_i(n,k,m) + 1):
        s+=(-1)**r * comb(k,r) * comb(n-r*m - 1, k-1)
    return s

def get_dict(m,k):
    for n in range(k, m*k + 1):
        # n is total number of ones
        d[n] = s_nkm(n,k,m)
    return d

m,k = 8,4



{4: 1, 5: 4, 6: 10, 7: 20, 8: 35, 9: 56, 10: 84, 11: 120, 12: 161, 13: 204, 14: 246, 15: 284, 16: 315, 17: 336, 18: 344, 19: 336, 20: 315, 21: 284, 22: 246, 23: 204, 24: 161, 25: 120, 26: 84, 27: 56, 28: 35, 29: 20, 30: 10, 31: 4, 32: 1}





为此,you want itertools.product。因此,我最初将问题作为重复问题关闭,但是...



相反:运行 一次一个地掷骰子,获取先前迭代的结果,然后 相加 当前骰子的可能结果会发生什么.

例如,假设三个 six-sided 骰子的结果类似于 {3: 1, 4: 3, 5: 6, 6: 10, 7: 15, 8: 21, 9: 25, 10: 27, 11: 27, 12: 25, 13: 21, 14: 15, 15: 10, 16: 6, 17: 3, 18: 1}。我们怎样才能得到四个骰子的结果?简单:我们将每个键加 1 以获得四个骰子的结果 如果最后一次掷骰是 1,则为最后一次掷骰为 2 的结果加 2,等等。然后我们只需要为每个匹配的总数添加计数。

Python 标准库提供了 collections.Counter 来简化这个任务。它不是手动匹配 dict 键并添加相应的值,而是一种自动执行此操作的特殊类型的 dict。

让我们创建一个函数,将骰子的结果添加到现有 collections.Counter。我先命令式写出来:

from collections import Counter

def add_d6(original):
    # starting with an empty tally
    total = Counter()
    for last_roll in range(1, 7):
        # for each possible result of the last roll, add its effect
        total += Counter(
            # which we find by modifying the keys
            (rolls + last_roll, count)
            # in the original dict
            for rolls, count in original.items()
    return total


from collections import Counter

def add_d6(original):
    return sum(
            (rolls + last_roll, count)
            for rolls, count in original.items()
        for last_roll in range(1, 7)



您也可以只使用数学来计算正确的值。请参阅@Vicrobot 的回答。这种方法不太灵活,因为它假定面编号为 1..N 的正常“骰子”。正常使用就够用了,而且更直接


有几种不同的方法可以实现递归。最幼稚的人会有效地模仿“动态控制 for 循环的数量”。您可以通过其他可能的策略来做到这一点:

  • 传递到目前为止在递归过程中掷出的骰子的“小计”,前进到递归。
  • 到目前为止通过直方图,转发到递归。 (或者将其用作全局、闭包或实例属性...)
  • 如果没有剩余的骰子,更新直方图。否则,递归。


  1. fill_dice 没有意义;没有理由遍历字典来查找键。只需使用 prediction[total] += 1.

  2. 如果你想要“零骰子”作为你的基本情况,那么你应该在这种情况下将总数添加到字典 once 中。似乎您试图通过在添加后将循环总数设置为零来避免此问题,然后让 fill_dice 忽略零(通过搜索 0 键但找不到它) .这太复杂了。

  3. 附带说明:由于您设计的基本情况在概念上不涉及循环,它应该在循环之外。通常,在编写递归代码时,您应该首先处理基本情况并将其排除在外。它应该尽可能与主递归“分开”。

  4. 实际导致错误的部分:

                loop_total += loop_i
                temp_dice_count -= 1
                loop(temp_dice_count, loop_total)

作为递归的一般提示,不要为了设置递归而修改局部变量!问题是,在递归调用 returns 之后,这些修改仍然有效,并且会在您完成循环时 累积 - 这不是您想要的。


def dice_value_calculator(dice_type,dice_count):
    histogram = dice_range(dice_type,dice_count)
    def loop(temp_dice_count,loop_total = 0): 
        if temp_dice_count == 0:
            histogram[loop_total] += 1
        # Otherwise, iterate over die results and recurse for each one.
        for loop_i in range(1, dice_type + 1):
            loop(temp_dice_count - 1, loop_total + loop_i)
    return histogram

“可是为什么这么慢?” (在我的机器上,大约 3/4 秒“​​滚动”5d20)因为我在顶部所说的方式。您可以通过采用快速迭代方法(如上面显示的 Counter 方法)并将其转换为递归 mechanically. Alternately, you can modify the code so that a new histogram is returned at each recursive step (yes, this is initially even slower) and then applying memoization 来解决此问题。 Python 使用 @functools.cache(在 3.8 及更早版本中,@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None))装饰器使这变得微不足道。