如何将字符更改为 R 列表中数据框的数字?

How to change character into numeric of a dataframe within a list in R?

我想将列表数据框中的字符向量转换为数字向量。我附上了一个例子。最后的数据看起来像我直接导入到 R 中的列表,我想在其中将字符转换为数字...


mat1 <- matrix(sample(seq(-1,100, 0.11),50, replace = TRUE),ncol = 5) 
mat1 <- as.data.frame(mat1)
mat1$V2 <- as.character(mat1$V2)

mat2 <- matrix(sample(seq(-1,100, 0.11),50, replace = TRUE),ncol = 5)  
mat2 <- as.data.frame(mat2)
mat2$V2 <- as.character(mat2$V2)

mat3 <- matrix(sample(seq(-1,100, 0.11), 50,replace = TRUE),ncol = 5)  
mat3 <- as.data.frame(mat2)
mat3$V2 <- as.character(mat3$V2)

data <- list(mat1, mat2, mat3)


type.convert 也可以更改 list 中的列类型(假设 data.frame 中的列没有任何 non-numeric 元素)

data <- type.convert(data, as.is = TRUE)


> str(data)
List of 3
 $ :'data.frame':   10 obs. of  5 variables:
  ..$ V1: num [1:10] 46.08 10.55 36.62 46.52 5.38 ...
  ..$ V2: num [1:10] 47.2 12.9 38.7 53 84.1 ...
  ..$ V3: num [1:10] 81.9 58.3 75 56.8 57.9 ...
  ..$ V4: num [1:10] 60.5 52.2 77 55.6 95.4 ...
  ..$ V5: num [1:10] 96.5 40.7 58.7 28.3 16.7 ...
 $ :'data.frame':   10 obs. of  5 variables:
  ..$ V1: num [1:10] 14.1 20.9 32.5 91.7 58.7 ...
  ..$ V2: num [1:10] 47.4 48.9 63.1 48 72 ...
  ..$ V3: num [1:10] 61.6 21 56.5 88 53.2 ...
  ..$ V4: num [1:10] 56.86 -0.01 12.86 33.32 55.32 ...
  ..$ V5: num [1:10] 73.58 9.12 57.96 10.88 86.78 ...
 $ :'data.frame':   10 obs. of  5 variables:
  ..$ V1: num [1:10] 14.1 20.9 32.5 91.7 58.7 ...
  ..$ V2: num [1:10] 47.4 48.9 63.1 48 72 ...
  ..$ V3: num [1:10] 61.6 21 56.5 88 53.2 ...
  ..$ V4: num [1:10] 56.86 -0.01 12.86 33.32 55.32 ...
  ..$ V5: num [1:10] 73.58 9.12 57.96 10.88 86.78 ...