如何知道我的 pods 部署配置的哪些节点已部署在 OpenShift 中

How to know which nodes my pods of my deployment config have been deployed in OpenShift

我是 OpenShift 的新手,我在那里有一个部署配置。而且我知道如何查看我当前pods,


部署配置已部署多次,pods也已重新部署到多个节点。如何检查 pods 已部署到的历史节点?

请注意,通常在 OpenShift 或 Kubernetes 中,您的应用程序在哪个节点上运行并不重要。这对您来说应该是完全透明的,您不需要太在意您的应用程序 运行 在哪个确切节点上。

I am new to OpenShift and I have a deployment config there. And I know how to see the node (ip) of my current pods,

您可以在选择某个 Pod 时在 OpenShift Web 控制台中看到分配的节点(有一个字段)。您还可以将以下选项与 oc get pods 一起使用,以在使用 oc 时显示 Pod 所在的节点 运行:

oc get pods -o wide

the deployment config have been deployed many times, and the pods have been redeployed to many nodes as well. how can I check the history nodes that the pods have been deployed to?

删除 Pod 时,不会保留定义。这意味着除非您专门查询,否则此信息不可用。