Python:正在使用 variable/dynamic 名称保存 JSON 响应?

Python: Saving JSON response with variable/dynamic name?

我是 Python 的新手,我想知道如何在循环中保存 JSON 响应并根据 API 请求更改命名?

TestList = ["bitcoin", "avalanche", "ethereum"]

TestListLen = len(TestList)

for i in TestList:
# Request JSON response
    r = requests.get (f"{i}/market_chart?vs_currency=usd&days=max&interval=daily")
    if r.status_code >= 201:
    data = r.json()

# How to save that response as eg. bitcoin.json or ethereum.json according to the names in TestList?

只需打开名称为 {i}.json 的文件并将 json 结果转储到其中:

import requests
import json

TestList = ["bitcoin", "avalanche", "ethereum"]
for i in TestList:
    r = requests.get (f"{i}/market_chart?vs_currency=usd&days=max&interval=daily")
    if r.status_code >= 201:
    data = r.json()
    with open(f'{i}.json', 'w') as fd:  #  add these two lines