在阵列中制作一个圆圈(基于 Tile 的游戏光照贴图)

Making a circle in an array (Tile based game light map)

我正在 java 中制作一个基于图块的游戏,我想制作一张光照贴图。



for(float i = 0; i < strength + 1; i++){
    for(double u = 0.0f; u < 360; u += 0.5){
        double angle = u * Math.PI / 180;
        int x2 = (int)(x + i * Math.cos(angle));
        int y2 = (int)(y + i * Math.sin(angle));
        if(map[y2][x2] > 1 - 1 / i)
            map[y2][x2] = 1 - 1 / i;


正如您在结果中看到的那样,似乎光线在左下侧(红色 x)扩展得太多了。我该如何解决这个问题?


The radius of how far the light reaches. This also determines how bright the light will be at each tile of the array.

The Array "map" is a 2D float array. The engine I am using uses float values for the alpha channel. The range is 0 (completely transparent) to 1 (completely opaque).

解决方案(感谢 Gene):

for(int x2 = -strength; x2 <= strength; x2++){
    for (int y2 = -strength; y2 <= strength; y2++) {
        double r = Math.sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2);
        double inv_rad = r <= strength + 1 ? 1 / r : 0;
        if(map[y + y2][x + x2] > 1 - (float) inv_rad)
            map[y + y2][x + x2] = 1 - (float) inv_rad;


for (x = -R; x <= R; x++)
  for (y = -R; y <= R; y++) {
    double r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
    double inv_rad = r <= R ? 1 / r : 0; // truncate outside radius R
    map[yc + y][xc + x] = 1 - inv_rad;

这里xc和yc是整数中心坐标。 R 是围绕中心的框的一半大小。

当我尝试将其添加到我的项目时,我只得到 o.o 我输入的值是 500, 500,50

private float map[][] = new float[1000][1000];

 public void test(int x, int y, float strength){
    public void addLight(int x,int y,int strength ){
    for(int x2 = -strength; x2 <= strength; x2++){
        for (int y2 = -strength; y2 <= strength; y2++) {
            double r = Math.sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2);
            double inv_rad = r <= strength + 1 ? 1 / r : 0;
            if(map[y + y2][x + x2] > 1 - (float) inv_rad)
                map[y + y2][x + x2] = 1 - (float) inv_rad;
            System.out.println(map[y + y2][x + x2]);