
Have MariaDB built-in function to get the integer value using specified base for the conversion?

MariaDB 是否有内置模拟 PHP intval() or Golang strconv.FormatInt() and strconv.ParseInt() 函数来将 10 位整数值转换为 36 位整数值,反之亦然? 我需要在 MariaDB stored procedure.


Example on go:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var (
        i64       int64
        str36base string
        err       error
    i64 = 99999999999999

    str36base = strconv.FormatInt(i64, 36) // from 10-base to 36-base integer
    fmt.Printf("10-base integer: %v --> 36-base integer: %v\n", i64, str36base)

    i64, err = strconv.ParseInt(str36base, 36, 64) // from 36-base to 10-base integer
    if err == nil {
        fmt.Printf("36-base integer: %v --> 10-base integer: %v\n", str36base, i64)
    } else {

10-base integer: 99999999999999 --> 36-base integer: zg3d62r5r
36-base integer: zg3d62r5r --> 10-base integer: 99999999999999

猜猜你在找 CONV() ?

SELECT CONV(99999999999999, 10, 36) AS `converted` FROM DUAL;