
Delete first blank line

我制作了一个简单的用户表单,根据是否选中某些点击框来插入某些文本。下面是简化版。问题是,按照我当前编写的代码,如果未单击 cbx1 但单击了 cbx2,则粘贴到的字符串会以新行开头。有没有一种简单的方法可以在末尾添加类似“If [first line of strNewText] = vbNewLine[?] Then [delete first line of strNewText]”之类的东西?更好的解决方案?谢谢!

Private Sub cmdInsert_Click()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim strToAdd As String

Dim text1 As String
Dim text2 As String
Dim text2 As String

text1 = "This is Text 1."
text2 = "This is Text 2."
text3 = "This is Text 3."

If cbx1 = True Then strToAdd = text1
If cbx2 = True Then strToAdd = strToAdd & vbNewLine & text2
If cbx3 = True Then strToAdd = strToAdd & vbNewLine & text3

With ActiveDocument
    Selection.Text = strToAdd
End With

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

您可以使用 Iif 函数在添加新行之前测试 strToAdd 是否包含任何文本。

Private Sub cmdInsert_Click()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Dim strToAdd As String

    Dim text1 As String
    Dim text2 As String
    Dim text3 As String

    text1 = "This is Text 1."
    text2 = "This is Text 2."
    text3 = "This is Text 3."

    If cbx1 = True Then strToAdd = text1
    If cbx2 = True Then strToAdd = strToAdd & IIf(strToAdd = vbNullString, "", vbNewLine) & text2
    If cbx3 = True Then strToAdd = strToAdd & IIf(strToAdd = vbNullString, "", vbNewLine) & text3

    With ActiveDocument
        Selection.Text = strToAdd
    End With

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

我会稍微翻转逻辑并在末尾添加 vbNewLine。这样,无论复选标记的组合如何,我都知道字符串总是以 vbNewLine 结尾。然后删除尾随的 vbNewLine 是一件简单的事情。这种方法还使代码更简洁:

If cbx1 = True Then strToAdd = strToAdd & text1 & vbNewLine
If cbx2 = True Then strToAdd = strToAdd & text2 & vbNewLine
If cbx3 = True Then strToAdd = strToAdd & text3 & vbNewLine
If Len(strToAdd) > 0 Then strToAdd = Mid(strToAdd, 1, Len(strToAdd) - 2)