在 Python 3.9 中使用 Spacy 从数据框中删除名称

using Spacy to remove names from a data frame in Python 3.9

我正在使用 Python 3.9 中的 spacy 包 v3.2.1,想了解如何使用它从数据框中删除名称。我尝试按照 spacy 文档进行操作,并且能够正确识别名称,但不了解如何删除它们。我的目标是从数据框的特定列中删除所有名称。


ID Comment
A123 I am five years old, and my name is John
X907 Today I met with Dr. Jacob


ID Comment
A123 I am five years old, and my name is
X907 Today I met with Dr.


#loading packages
import spacy
import pandas as pd
from spacy import displacy

#loading CSV
df = pd.read_csv('names.csv)

#loading spacy large model
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg")

#checking/testing is spacy large is identifying named entities
df['test_col'] = df['Comment'].apply(lambda x: list(nlp(x).ents)) 


ID Comment test_col
A123 I am five years old, and my name is John [(John)]
X907 Today I met with Dr. Jacob [(Jacob)]



这里有一个使用字符串 replace 方法的想法:


df['test_col'] = df['Comment'].apply(lambda x: str(x).replace(str(nlp(x).ents).lstrip('(').rstrip(')')), '')

我对变量进行了类型转换以帮助匹配,也不确定它是否是 str。您可能需要使用索引,如果在单个评论中找到多个名称,则循环它,但这就是它的要点。


import spacy
import pandas as pd

# Test dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'ID':['A123','X907'], 'Comment':['I am five years old, and my name is John', 'Today I met with Dr. Jacob']})

# Initialize the model
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_trf')

def remove_names(text):
    doc = nlp(text)
    newString = text
    for e in reversed(doc.ents):
        if e.label_ == "PERSON": # Only if the entity is a PERSON
            newString = newString[:e.start_char] + newString[e.start_char + len(e.text):]
    return newString

df['Comment'] = df['Comment'].apply(remove_names)


     ID                               Comment
0  A123  I am five years old, and my name is
1  X907                 Today I met with Dr.