调节 R 中组内的先前值

Conditioning previous values within groups in R

我正在尝试编写一个代码,允许我根据最早记录的值在组 name 中创建 TRUEFALSE 变量以下专栏弹出 data.frame:非常感谢你们的帮助!


>   df
  name order tag poped
1  AAA     1   X    NA
2  AAA     2   Y     1
3  AAA     3   X    NA
4  AAA     4   X    NA
5  AAA     5   Y     1
6  AAA     6   X    NA
7  AAA     7   X    NA

我想改变一个名为 CHECK POS


CHECK 将采用值

    1= If the closest (above) value where the tag column is Y and poped is 1
    0= If the closest (above) value where the tag column is Y and poped is 0
    2 = If the current row has tag = Y
    NA = Otherwise

POS 将采用最近(上方)行号的值,其中标记列为 Y 且 poped 为 1,否则 NA


>   df
  name order tag poped CHECK POS                                                            why
1  AAA     1   X    NA    NA  NA                                      There is no previous data
2  AAA     2   Y     1    NA  NA                                                current tag = Y
3  AAA     3   X    NA     1   2 the closest value above where tag=Y is in row 2 and poped is 1
4  AAA     4   X    NA     1   2 the closest value above where tag=Y is in row 2 and poped is 1
5  AAA     5   Y     1    NA  NA                                                current tag = Y
6  AAA     6   X    NA     1   5 the closest value above where tag=Y is in row 5 and poped is 1
7  AAA     7   X    NA     1   5 the closest value above where tag=Y is in row 5 and poped is 1

如果你们能帮助我解决使用 tidyverse 的问题,我将不胜感激,但我会接受所有可能的解决方案,非常感谢

df %>%
         maxr=if_else(tag=="Y" & poped==1,order,as.integer(NA))) %>%
  fill(ctag,cpop,maxr) %>% 
    CHECK = case_when(
      tag == "Y"~2,
      lag(ctag) == "Y" & lag(cpop)==1 ~1,
      lag(ctag) == "Y" & lag(cpop)==0 ~0,
    POS = if_else(tag=="Y", as.integer(NA), maxr)
  ) %>% 


  name  order tag   poped CHECK   POS
  <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 AAA       1 X        NA    NA    NA
2 AAA       2 Y         1     2    NA
3 AAA       3 X        NA     1     2
4 AAA       4 X        NA     1     2
5 AAA       5 Y         1     2    NA
6 AAA       6 X        NA     1     5
7 AAA       7 X        NA     1     5