尝试打开像 txt 文件这样的字典并将其内容打印到 Python 中的 PrettyTable

Trying to open a dictionary like txt file and print its contents into PrettyTable in Python

我正在尝试创建一个基于具有键“name”和值“age”的字典的小型 Python 脚本,它应该接受用户输入,将字典写入 .txt 文件并打开然后将文件的内容输出到 Pretty Table 中,列名为“Name”、“Age”。用户键入的所有姓名都应位于“姓名”列下,年龄也应如此。整个代码都在一个 while 循环中,只有在用户键入“退出”时才会关闭。我想要实现的是,当用户键入退出程序时,应该在文件中打印所有以前的姓名和年龄,包括退出程序之前键入的姓名和年龄到 Pretty Table.


from prettytable import PrettyTable
import os

sw_dir = "C:\Users\user\Documents\"
dir_change = os.chdir(sw_dir)

test_dict = {}
active = True

name_table = PrettyTable(["Name", "Age"])

filename = "name_dict.txt"

while active:
    with open(filename, "a") as a_file:
        user_name = input("Enter name: ")
        user_age = input("Enter age: ")
        user_exit = input("Type quit to exit: ")
        test_dict[user_name] = user_age

        if user_exit == "quit":
            active = False
            for name, age in test_dict.items():
                a_file.write(str(name) + ":" + str(age) + "\n\n")
                with open(filename, "r") as r_file:
                    for test_dict in r_file:
                        name_table.add_row([name, age])



| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
|      Name     | Age |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Grace Johnson |  26 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |
| Elliot McLane |  42 |

如果有人能帮助我,我将不胜感激,因为我对 Python 还是个新手,并且已经为这个问题苦苦挣扎了好几天。



    "Grace Johnson": "26",
    "Grace Johnson": "26",
    "Elliot McLane": "42",
    "Elliot McLane": "42",


    {"Name": "Grace Johnson", "Age": "26"},
    {"Name": "Grace Johnson", "Age": "26"},
    # ....
    {"Name": "Elliot McLane", "Age": "42"},
    {"Name": "Elliot McLane", "Age": "42"},


无论如何,考虑到这些限制(并忽略 PrettyTable,因为它似乎与问题无关)这是一种继续进行的方法。

import json

file_name = "name_dict.txt"

## ---------------------------
## Open our datafile (creating it is needs be)
## ---------------------------
with open(file_name, "a+") as a_file:
    a_file.seek(0)  # reset the pointer back to the start of the file
    test_dict = json.loads(a_file.read() or "{}")
## ---------------------------

while True:
    if "quit" == input("Type quit to exit: "):

    user_name = input("Enter name: ")
    user_age = input("Enter age: ")
    test_dict[user_name] = user_age

    ## ---------------------------
    ## Write the complete dictionary back out
    ## ---------------------------
    with open(file_name, "w") as a_file:
        json.dump(test_dict, a_file)
    ## ---------------------------

for key, value in test_dict.items():
    print(f"{key} --> {value}")