如何在 golang 中同时将响应流回客户端?

How to concurrently stream response back to the client in golang?


var cfg = "..." // comes from request parameters
var clientId = "...." // comes from request parameters
var data = allCids.([]int64)
// can we run this in parallel with X number of workers?
for _, cid := range data {
  pd := repo.GetCustomerData(strconv.FormatInt(cid, 10))
  if !pd.IsCorrect {
  resources := us.helperCom.GenerateResourceString(pd)
  val, _ := us.GenerateInfo(clientId, resources, cfg)
  if err := stream.Send(val); err != nil {
    log.Printf("send error %v", err)

我的疑惑是我们可以同时将其变为 运行 吗?还是总是以单线程方式 运行 进行流式传输?

您可以使工作并发,但不能使流上的发送并发。来自 grpc-go docs:

When using streams, one must take care to avoid calling either SendMsg or RecvMsg multiple times against the same Stream from different goroutines. [...]

因此,您可以 运行 在单独的 goroutine 中并发代码,并在公共通道上发送输出值。然后主流处理程序遍历此通道并依次调用 stream.Send — 因此请记住,只有当网络响应时间少于获取数据时,所有这一切都是值得的。


// buffered, so the workers can send and exit immediately
out := make(chan <type of val>, len(data))

// you will have to close the out chan when all work is done
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {

for _, cid := range data {
  // don't close around the loop variable
  go func (id int64) {
    defer wg.Done()
    val, err := // obtain output value somehow
    if err != nil {
    out <- val

for val := range out {
  if err := stream.Send(val); err != nil {
    log.Printf("send error %v", err)
