
Speech to text audiofile limit request

我们公司使用语音转文本 API 来制作可搜索的有声读物。我们的一些音频文件达到 20 小时,但正如我们注意到的那样,使用 Speech to text 的基本限制是 480 分钟。

请告诉我如何请求将限制扩大到 1200 分钟?

您可以向 Google 请求更高的限制。该过程描述为 here, and there is an interactive guide here.

To request a higher quota limit by using the Google Cloud Console:

  1. Go to the Quotas page:

  2. On the Quotas page, find the quota you want to increase in the Limit name column.

    You can use the Filter search box to search for your quota.

  3. Select the checkbox to the left of your quota.

  4. Click EDIT QUOTAS. The Quota changes form displays.

  5. In the Quota changes form, enter the increased quota that you want for your project in the New limit field.

  6. Complete any additional fields in the form, and then click DONE.


While the above procedure applies to most quota increase requests, you might encounter one of the following exceptions:

  • In some cases, the Google Cloud Console redirects you to a separate form to request an increased limit. After you submit the form, Google Cloud acknowledges your request by email.
  • Some quotas cannot be updated using the Google Cloud Console. If you find that you cannot change a quota from the console, request the increase from Cloud Customer Care. The Billing team does not handle quota limit increases.