spring shell 方法参数列表<>

spring shell method parameter List<>

如何使用带有 List<> 参数的 spring shell 方法?
是否可以在 Spring_Shell 中使用 List<> 作为方法参数?


     public void test(
        @CliOption(key = "name", help ="") final String name,
        @CliOption(key = "activities",help ="") final List<String> activitiy){//....... something to do}  

你当然可以做到,但是由你来提供 Converter for it. It would be much better to use a String[] (and optionally convert it to a List<String> as your first instruction in your method body if you really need to), as arrays are supported out of the box(并支持转换和完成,这在 List 中是不可能的,因为类型擦除)