如何正确地将 table 中通过 id 链接到 MySQL 上的另一个 table 的行添加?

How to correctly add the rows from a table that were linked by an id to another table on MySQL?


SELECT author, is_public, content
FROM dapp.messages WHERE is_public = '0'

得到以下 table:

| author| is_public      | content            |
|  3240 |0               |Hello, I'm Bertha   |
|  4039 |0               |Hello, I'm Kristina |
|  4810 |0               |Hello, I'm April    |

现在,在这种情况下,author 列中的数字链接到另一个名为 credentials 的 table 中的一行,这意味着:

3240 链接到 credentials 中的这一行 table:

|   id  | first_name   | member_type   |
|  3240 |Bertha        | regular       |

4039 链接到 credentials 中的这一行 table:

|   id  | first_name   | member_type   |
|  4039 |Kristina      | regular       |

4810 链接到 credentials 中的这一行 table:

|   id  | first_name   | member_type   |
|  4039 |April         | regular       |

所以,我想知道将 credentials table 中的 first name 列添加到此 [ 中第一个查询获得的 table 的正确方法=51=],最终得到这样的输出:

| author| is_public      | content            | first_name   |
|  3240 |0               |Hello, I'm Bertha   |Bertha        |
|  4039 |0               |Hello, I'm Kristina |Kristina      |
|  4810 |0               |Hello, I'm April    |April         |


SELECT t1.*, t2.*
FROM (SELECT author, is_public, content
    FROM dapp.messages
    WHERE is_public = '0') t1
    FROM dapp.credentials
    WHERE id IN (SELECT author FROM dapp.messages)) t2 


| author| is_public      | content            | first_name   |
|  3240 |0               |Hello, I'm Bertha   |Bertha        |
|  3240 |0               |Hello, I'm Bertha   |Kristina      |
|  3240 |0               |Hello, I'm Bertha   |April         |
|  4039 |0               |Hello, I'm Kristina |Bertha        |
|  4039 |0               |Hello, I'm Kristina |Kristina      |
|  4039 |0               |Hello, I'm Kristina |April         |
|  4810 |0               |Hello, I'm April    |Bertha        |
|  4810 |0               |Hello, I'm April    |Kristina      |
|  4810 |0               |Hello, I'm April    |April         |


我不确定为什么你认为你需要一个 cross 连接,看来你需要一个简单的内部连接:

select m.author, m.is_public, m.content, c.first_name
from dapp.messages m 
join dapp.credentials c on c.id = m.author
where m.is_public = '0';

如果您想要单列,相关子查询 也是一个可行的选择:

  select m.author, m.is_public, m.content, 
    (select first_name from dapp.credentials c where c.id = m.author) as first_name
  from dapp.messages m 
  where m.is_public = '0';