
Image Compression in flutter of a Image File

Future<void> saveLocalStorage(File image) async {

// get file format of the image
String fileFormat = image.path.split('.').last; // jpg

// get path for applications directory
final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();

// January 1st, 1970 at 00:00:00 UTC is referred to as the Unix epoch.
int time = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;

// saving image into applications document directory

这是我目前用来保存图像文件的代码。但在保存之前,我希望压缩图像。我找到了使用 image 包的解决方案 但是它的文档本身说它不够快所以我不喜欢使用它。另一个解决方案是使用 image_picker 其示例代码是:

ImagePicker imagePicker = ImagePicker();
PickedFile compressedImage = await imagePicker.getImage(
  source: ImageSource.camera,
  imageQuality: 85,

我尝试使用相同的示例,但源属性的值不是 File,因此我无法进行压缩。 请提出一些解决方案来完成这项工作。

使用这个库:Flutter Image Compress

将图像压缩为本机插件 (Obj-C/Kotlin)

或者未知原因,Dart 语言中的图像压缩效率不高,即使在发布版本中也是如此。

后来,我遇到了这个解决方案,Flutter the best way to compress image it explained 3 packages, one of which was the flutter_image_compress package, it was suitable for my case but I preferred using the flutter_native_image package as it had easy to understand syntax.
The flutter_image_compress package has a required attribute i.e. output path which was to be determined forehand, it felt quite overwhelming for me so, I used the flutter_native_image包。
查看此答案前面提到的解决方案,以了解有关这 3 个软件包的更多信息。