无法在静态上下文中访问非静态方法 "GetComponent",尽管我没有将 class 声明为静态

cannot access non static method "GetComponent" in static context, despite me not declaring the class as static

我目前正在努力使 class 可以从其他脚本访问。以下是我编写的代码。

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

// Start is called before the first frame update
    public class _move

        private float _sizex;
        private float _sizey;
        public _move(float sizx, float sizy....etc)

            _sizex = sizx;
            _sizey = sizy;

        public  void regularmove(float sizex, float sizey...etc)
            GameObject _player;
            _player =  GameObject.GetComponent<GameObject>();
            BoxCollider2D bc2d;
            bc2d = _player.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
            bc2d.offset = new Vector2(locationx + 1, locationy);


cannot access non-static method"GetComponent"


_player =  GameObject.GetComponent<GameObject>();

我不知道为什么会这样,因为我还没有将 class 声明为静态的,并且不太了解 GetComponent 的属性。有人能告诉我发生了什么以及我该如何解决这个问题吗? 另外,当我改变

GameObject _player; 
public GameObject player;


cannot resolve symbol _player 

这里究竟发生了什么? 提前致谢!

创建 _move class 实例的任何脚本(顺便说一句,这是错误的命名,应该是 Move)也应该将其游戏对象传递给构造函数。

// attributes here are not valid if your class is not a MonoBehaviour
public class Move
    GameObject m_object;
    public Move(GameObject obj, ...)
        m_object = obj;

如果您的 class 是一个 MonoBehaviour 组件,那么它已经有一个 GameObject 成员,您可以使用属性:

// Start is called before the first frame update
public class Move : MonoBehaviour
     void Start()