如何在 terraform 中使用 json 文件

how to use json file in terraform

我有以下 JSON 文件并在 terraform 中创建用户时使用它

    "SRE@abc.com" : [
        "name" : "abc",
        "description" : 100,
        "name" : "efg",
        "description" : 100
        "name" : "wer",
        "description" : 100
    "SDE@abc.com" : [
        "name" : "xyz",
        "description" : 100
        "name" :  "qwe",
        "description" : 100        


resource "oci_identity_user" "users" {
    count = keys(local.users)[*] 
    compartment_id = var.tenancy_ocid
    description = count.index[description]
    name = count.index[name]
    email = count.index[email]

Error: Invalid index
│   on local.tf line 14, in locals:
│   14:   services = keys(local.users[1])
│     ├────────────────
│     │ local.odsc_serivices is object with 2 attributes

由于您的 users 对象中有两个列表,因此您必须将它们连接起来。您可以通过组合 flatten and values 函数来做到这一点。此外,我建议使用 for_each 而不是 count:

resource "oci_identity_user" "users" {
  for_each = { for index, value in flatten(values(local.users)) : index => value }

  compartment_id = var.tenancy_ocid
  description    = each.value.name
  name           = each.value.description
  email          = each.value.email


resource "oci_identity_user" "users" {
  for_each = {
    for index, value in flatten([
      for email, value in local.users : [
        for user in value : { email : email, name : user.name, description : user.description }
    ]) : index => value

  compartment_id = var.tenancy_ocid
  description    = each.value.name
  name           = each.value.description
  email          = each.value.email