访问 tailwind.config.js 文件(在 scss 文件中)中定义的颜色值时出现问题

Problems accessing the color value defined in the tailwind.config.js file (in scss file)

在使用 Tailwind 的项目中,我需要使 tailwind.config.js 中定义的颜色变暗(直接在 scss 文件中)。

@debug "Darken Color: #{darken(theme("colors.gray.500"), 10%)}";


SassError: $color: theme("colors.gray.500") is not a color.

然而,当我使用符号“theme("colors.gray.500")”作为值而不是 darken 函数的参数时,它可以正常工作。



发生这种情况是因为 SASS 先处理了。处理样式的通常顺序是 sass-loader -> postcss->loader -> css-loader。 Tailwind 由 PostCSS 处理,因此 SASS 对 theme() 指令一无所知

我在文档中找到了 this

The most important thing to understand about using Tailwind with a preprocessor is that preprocessors like Sass, Less, and Stylus run separately, before Tailwind. This means that you can’t feed output from Tailwind’s theme() function into a Sass color function for example, because the theme() function isn’t actually evaluated until your Sass has been compiled to CSS and fed into PostCSS.