我是 python 循环的新手,我正在尝试创建一个循环迭代,我从 11 开始并找到前 42 个项
I am new to python loops and I am trying to create a loop iteration where I start with 11 and find the first 42 terms
start = 11
second = 8
third = 14
list = [start, second, third]
for number in range(42):
start = start + second + third
print(f'{number+1}. {start}')
#using a for or while loop, I want to calculate the first 42 terms. Each term is calculated by adding the 3 previous terms
Output should look like
- 11
- 8
- 14
- 33
- 55
enter code here
start = 11
second = 8
third = 14
my_list = [start, second, third]
# Loop
for i in range(42):
print(i, my_list[i])
# I only need to start doing something after the 3rd item, 2 because we count from 0
if i >= 2:
beginning_index = i - 2
ending_index = i + 1
# get my most recent three
last_three = my_list[beginning_index:ending_index]
# You can also do something called backward slicing instead of
# giving a range of items in a list to retrieve
# This means give me the most recent 3 items
# last_three = my_list[-3:]
# sum those three
last_three = sum(last_three)
# add the sum of last three to my list
start = 11
second = 8
third = 14
list = [start, second, third]
for number in range(42):
start = start + second + third
print(f'{number+1}. {start}')
#using a for or while loop, I want to calculate the first 42 terms. Each term is calculated by adding the 3 previous terms
Output should look like
- 11
- 8
- 14
- 33
- 55 etc...
enter code here
start = 11
second = 8
third = 14
my_list = [start, second, third]
# Loop
for i in range(42):
print(i, my_list[i])
# I only need to start doing something after the 3rd item, 2 because we count from 0
if i >= 2:
beginning_index = i - 2
ending_index = i + 1
# get my most recent three
last_three = my_list[beginning_index:ending_index]
# You can also do something called backward slicing instead of
# giving a range of items in a list to retrieve
# This means give me the most recent 3 items
# last_three = my_list[-3:]
# sum those three
last_three = sum(last_three)
# add the sum of last three to my list