GPGPUsim PTX extraction

正如标题所说,我正在学习如何使用GPGPUsim。而当我阅读手册的“PTX提取”部分时,我发现它说“In CUDA version 4.0 and later, the fat cubin file used to extract the ptx and sass 不再可用。” 这让我很困惑。如何理解这一点,CUDA 4.0 及更高版本中发生了什么。 无论如何谢谢你:)

CUDA 4.0 was released (in 2011!), the device toolchain was switched to a fully ELF based object model. Prior to that, a plain text file with encoded binary sections for emitted SASS code and plain text for PTX was used. As a result, to extract PTX or SASS from an ELF CUDA object requires a utility cuobjdump访问所需代码时。

因此 pre/post CUDA 4.0 区别。