我如何使用 blitz++

How do I use blitz++

我是c++的初学者。我学习c++的重点是做科学计算。我想使用 blitz++ 库。我正在尝试解决 rk4 方法,但我没有得到代码的内部工作原理(我知道 rk4 算法)

#include <blitz/array.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

using namespace blitz;
using namespace std;

# This will evaluate the slopes. say if dy/dx = y, rhs_eval will return y.  
void rhs_eval(double x, Array<double, 1> y, Array<double, 1>& dydx)
    dydx = y;

void rk4_fixed(double& x, Array<double, 1>& y, void (*rhs_eval)(double, Array<double, 1>, Array<double, 1>&), double h)
    // Array y assumed to be of extent n, where n is no. of coupled equations
    int n = y.extent(0);

    // Declare local arrays
    Array<double, 1> k1(n), k2(n), k3(n), k4(n), f(n), dydx(n);

    // Zeroth intermediate step
    (*rhs_eval) (x, y, dydx);
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        k1(j) = h * dydx(j);
        f(j) = y(j) + k1(j) / 2.;

    // First intermediate step
    (*rhs_eval) (x + h / 2., f, dydx);
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        k2(j) = h * dydx(j);
        f(j) = y(j) + k2(j) / 2.;

    // Second intermediate step
    (*rhs_eval) (x + h / 2., f, dydx);
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        k3(j) = h * dydx(j);
        f(j) = y(j) + k3(j);

    // Third intermediate step
    (*rhs_eval) (x + h, f, dydx);
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        k4(j) = h * dydx(j);

    // Actual step
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        y(j) += k1(j) / 6. + k2(j) / 3. + k3(j) / 3. + k4(j) / 6.;
    x += h;
    return; # goes back to function. evaluate y at x+h without returning anything

int main()
    cout << y <<endl; # this will not work. The scope of y is limited to rk4_fixed


  1. 在 rhs_eval 中,x,y 只是值。但是 dydx 是指针。所以rhs_eval的输出值会赋值给y。不需要 return 任何东西。我说的对吗?

  2. int n = y.extent(0)是做什么的?在评论中 n 表示它是耦合方程的数量。范围(0)的含义是什么。范围有什么作用?那个'0'是什么?是第一个元素的大小吗?

  3. 如何打印 'y' 的值?格式是什么?我想通过从 main 调用它来从 rk4 获取 y 的值。然后打印出来。

我使用 MSVS 2019 和 cmake 使用这些指令编译了 blitz++—— Instruction

我从这里得到代码- only the function is given

  1. 是的,也更改y以通过引用传递。指针带有 * 或指针模板,引用带有 &.

  2. 您的矢量有 1 个维度或扩展。一般来说,Array<T,n>n 阶张量,n=2 是矩阵。 .extend(0)是第一个维度的大小,索引为zero-based。

  3. 这很复杂而且没有很好的记录。我指的是 Blitz 图书馆提供的设施。您可以手动打印组件。出于某种原因,如果第一个打印命令被注释掉,我的版本会产生内存错误。

#include <blitz/array.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
//#include <cmath>

using namespace blitz;
using namespace std;

/* This will evaluate the slopes. say if dy/dx = y, rhs_eval will return y.  */
const double sig = 10; const double rho = 28; const double bet = 8.0/3;
void lorenz(double x, Array<double, 1> & y, Array<double, 1> & dydx)
    /* y vector = x,y,z in components */
    dydx[0] = sig * (y[1] - y[0]);
    dydx[1] = rho * y[0] - y[1] - y[0] * y[2];
    dydx[2] = y[0] * y[1] - bet * y[2];
    /* use the comma operator */
    dydx = sig * (y[1] - y[0]), rho * y[0] - y[1] - y[0] * y[2], y[0] * y[1] - bet * y[2];


void rk4_fixed(double& x, Array<double, 1> & y, void (*rhs_eval)(double, Array<double, 1>&, Array<double, 1>&), double h)
    // Array y assumed to be of extent n, where n is no. of coupled equations
    int n = y.extent(0);

    // Declare local arrays
    Array<double, 1> k1(n), k2(n), k3(n), k4(n), f(n), dydx(n);

    // Zeroth intermediate step
    rhs_eval (x, y, dydx);
    k1 = h * dydx; f=y+0.5*k1;

    // First intermediate step
    rhs_eval(x + 0.5*h, f, dydx);
    k2 = h * dydx; f =  y+0.5*k2;

    // Second intermediate step
    rhs_eval (x + 0.5*h, f, dydx);
    k3 = h * dydx; f=y+k3;
    // Third intermediate step
    rhs_eval (x + h, f, dydx);
    k4 = h * dydx;
    // Actual step
    y += k1 / 6. + k2 / 3. + k3 / 3. + k4 / 6.;
    x += h;
    return; //# goes back to function. evaluate y at x+h without returning anything

int main()
    Array<double, 1> y(3);
    y = 1,1,1;
    cout << y << endl;
    double x=0, h = 0.05;
    while(x<20) {
        cout << x;
        for(int k =0; k<3; k++) {
            cout << ", "<< y(k);
        cout << endl;
    return 0;
#include <blitz/array.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace blitz;
using namespace std;

/* This will evaluate the slopes. say if dy/dx = y, rhs_eval will return y.  */
const double sig = 10; const double rho = 28; const double bet = 8.0 / 3;

void lorenz(double x, Array<double, 1> y, Array<double, 1> &dydx)
    /* y vector = x,y,z in components */
    dydx(0) = sig * (y(1) - y(0));
    dydx(1) = rho * y(0) - y(1) - y(0) * y(2);
    dydx(2) = y(0) * y(1) - bet * y(2);

void rk4_fixed(double& x, Array<double, 1>& y, void (*rhs_eval)(double, Array<double, 1>, Array<double, 1> &), double h)
    int n = y.extent(0);

    Array<double, 1> k1(n), k2(n), k3(n), k4(n), f(n), dydx(n);

    (*rhs_eval) (x, y, dydx);
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        k1(j) = h * dydx(j);
        f(j) = y(j) + k1(j) / 2.0;

    (*rhs_eval) (x + h / 2., f, dydx);
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        k2(j) = h * dydx(j);
        f(j) = y(j) + k2(j) / 2.;

    (*rhs_eval) (x + h / 2., f, dydx);
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        k3(j) = h * dydx(j);
        f(j) = y(j) + k3(j);

    (*rhs_eval) (x + h, f, dydx);
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        k4(j) = h * dydx(j);

    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        y(j) += k1(j) / 6. + k2(j) / 3. + k3(j) / 3. + k4(j) / 6.;
    x += h;

int main()
    Array<double, 1> y(3);
    y = 1, 1, 1;

    double x = 0, h = 0.05;
    Array<double, 1> dydx(3);
    dydx = 0, 0, 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        rk4_fixed(x, y, &lorenz, h);
        cout << x << " ,";
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            cout << y(j)<<" ";
        cout << endl;

    return 0;

另一件好事是,无需任何编译即可使用 blitz++。在 Visual Studio 2019 年,展开 {project name} 然后右键单击“references”和“Manage NuGet Packages”搜索 blitz++。下载它。无需添加额外的链接或其他操作。