有没有人有 Eclipse (Common Lisp) 的 CUSP 插件

Does anyone have a CUSP plugin for Eclipse (Common Lisp)

有人有 Eclipse 的 CUSP 插件吗?很遗憾 http://www.sergeykolos.com/cusp/update 无法正常工作。

也许你可以 运行 它来自 wiki page 中的源代码,有一个简单的解释:

Getting Cusp running from source

  • Check out the repository with the command "svn checkout http://cusp.googlecode.com/svn/ cusp-read-only"

  • Import the project into Eclipse (File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace)

  • Create an sbcl directory in the project. Put sbcl in there. Make sure to include the sbcl executable.

  • Run Cusp as a plugin, and behold the glory! (Run > Run... > Eclipse Application > New)

  • Sometimes you need to provide .classpath file to compile and launch plugin from development environment. Here is what you can do: Go to File->New->Project->Plug-in Project Keep everything default and create temporary project. Then go to project folder and find .classpath file. Copy it to jasko.tim.lisp folder before importing plugin to Eclipse using File->Import->Existing Projects into Workspace.

  • On Windows it may be necessary to edit jasko.tim.lisp\build.properties and remove trailing slashes from all directory names. Also Eclipse Plug-in libraries need to be added as an external dependency (project properties->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add Library->Plug-in Dependencies)



我还认为现在可以很容易地使用 Slime

使 emacs 成为高效的 Common Lisp IDE

在 SBCL 上安装 quicklisp 后 https://www.quicklisp.org/beta/

To install and configure SLIME, use:

(ql:quickload "quicklisp-slime-helper")

然后按照它显示的指示进行操作。 quicklisp-slime-helper 将创建一个您可以在 Emacs 中加载的文件,该文件配置正确的加载路径以加载 Quicklisp 的 SLIME 安装。

这是 windows

