使用 IPageRouteModelConvention 和单独的租户页面文件夹为多租户配置 Razor 页面

Configure Razor Pages for multi-tenancy, using IPageRouteModelConvention and separate tenant page folders

我正在尝试配置 Razor Pages 路由(不是 Razor Views)并使其通过目录结构支持多租户...


... plus many many more ...

和 tenantID 查找的来源,即:

"example.com" : 1,
"site.tld"    : 2,

然后,当有人请求“example.com/About”时,它会正确映射到租户 #1 子文件夹中的页面(因为“example.com”映射到上面示例中的 #1),而不是不同租户的“关于”页面。



使用 IPageRouteModelConvention 似乎是配置 Razor Pages 路由的“正确”方式?

似乎我可以修改路由选择器以剥离租户 ID 子目录,从而使页面在根路径上可用。但是,我还需要确保请求的是适当的租户页面,而不是其他租户的...

一种方法(我认为)是使用 ActionConstraint(也可以在 IPageRouteModelConvention 中配置)。如果 origin:tenantId 字典是硬编码的,那么我认为这很容易......但是我的租户查找数据需要从数据库中提取(我实际上在 .NET Core 中添加了一个 TenantCollection 服务作为单例已收集服务)。

问题 是我无法在 builder.Services.Configure(...) 调用时访问 ServiceProvider(以获取我的 TenantCollection)。 所以我无法创建 ActionConstraint 来限制对某些来源的某些页面的访问,因为我没有租户映射数据。



builder.Services.Configure<RazorPagesOptions>(options =>
    var tenantCollection = GET_MY_TENANT_COLLECTION; // Cant do?

    options.Conventions.Add(new MultiTenantPageRouteModelConvention(tenantCollection));


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;
using WebAppRazor.Services;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add services to the container.
ServiceProvider serviceProvider = builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider();
var userRepository = serviceProvider.GetService<TestService>();
var a = userRepository.getString();

我有一个测试服务,它将 return 一个字符串。然后这段代码对我有用,我可以通过上面的代码调用这个服务。

所以,最后我“遗漏了一些明显的东西”。 在 ActionConstraint 中,可以通过 ActionConstraintContext 的 RouteContext.HttpContext.RequestServices 引用访问 ServiceProvider。 这使我能够获得所需的服务来完成所需的工作。简单。

与其就此打住,不如让这个 post 更有价值。未来的人觉得有用。



builder.Services.Configure<RazorPagesOptions>(options =>
   options.Conventions.Add(new MyPageRouteModelConvention());


public class MyPageRouteModelConvention : IPageRouteModelConvention
    public void Apply(PageRouteModel model)
        // Only modify pages in the tenants folder.
        if (!model.ViewEnginePath.StartsWith("/Tenants/"))

        // Tenants/<num>/<page>...
        if (!validateAndParseTenantFolderNumFromPath(model.ViewEnginePath, out int tenantFolderNum))

        var constraint = new MyTenantActionConstraint(tenantFolderNum);

        foreach (var selector in model.Selectors)
            // Change the selector route template so the page is
            // accessible as if it was in the root path.
            // Eg "Tenants/123/SomePage" changes to "SomePage"
            selector.AttributeRouteModel.Template =

            // Note that this is directly modifying this selector's route template,
            // so it will no longer be accessible from the tenant sub folder path.
            // Alternatively one could create a new selector based on this
            // one, modify the template in the same way, and add it as a new
            // selector to the model.Selectors collection.

            // Add the constraint which will restrict the page from being
            // chosen unless the request's origin matches the tenant
            // (ie: folderNum == tenantId).


public class MyTenantActionConstraint : IActionConstraint
    public int Order => 0;

    private readonly int _tenantID;

    public MyTenantActionConstraint(int tenantID)
        _tenantID = tenantID;

    public bool Accept(ActionConstraintContext context)
        // Get the MyTenant that matches the current requests origin
        // using the MyTenant.ImplementationFactoryBasedOnRequestOrigin.
        // This is a 'scoped' service so it only needs to do it once per request.
        // Alternatively one could just get the MyTenantCollection and find the
        // tenant by _tenantID and then check that your tenant.ExpectedOrigin matches
        // the current HttpContext.Request.Host, but that would run 
        // every time MyTenantActionConstraint.Accept is invoked.
        var tenant =
                typeof(MyTenant)) as MyTenant;

        // Return whether or not this ActionConstraint and more importantly
        // the Page/Route this ActionConstraint is attached to
        // is within the tenant folder (eg Pages/Tenants/123/About.cshtml)
        // which has the same number (eg 123) as the tenant Id that
        // corresponds to the tenant that matches the current request's
        // origin (ie tenantWithId123.DomainName == currentRequest.Host),
        // meaning.. true/false this page-route is for this tenant.
        return tenant?.Id == _tenantID;