Solidity - 从工厂模式到克隆工厂模式

Solidity - Getting from Factory Pattern to Clone Factory Pattern

下面是一个 solidity 合同的例子,它是一种工厂模式本机方法,将船员添加到矩阵中的 neb starship。


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >0.4.23 <0.9.0;

contract NebCrewFactory {

    //Creating an array of neb crew addresses
    NebCrew[] public NebCrewAddresses;

    function addNebCrew() public {

        //Creating a new crew object, you need to pay //for the deployment of this contract everytime - $$$$
        NebCrew nebCrewAddress = new NebCrew();

        //Adding the new crew to our list of crew addresses

contract NebCrew{

    address public crew;

    constructor() {
        crew = msg.sender;

    function welcomeCrew() public pure returns (string memory _greeting) {
        return "Welcome to the truth...";

我展示的克隆工厂版本使用了 OpenZeppelin 库here

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >0.4.23 <0.9.0;

import { Clones } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/Clones.sol";

contract NebCrewFactory {

    //Creating an array of neb crew addresses
    NebCrew[] public NebCrewAddresses;
    address public implementationAddress;
    function addNebCrew() public {

        //Creating a new crew object, you need to pay //for the deployment of this contract everytime - $$$$
        NebCrew nebCrewAddress = NewCrew(Clones.clone(implementationAddress));

        // since the clone create a proxy, the constructor is redundant and you have to use the initialize function

        //Adding the new crew to our list of crew addresses

contract NebCrew{

    address public crew;

    initialize() {
        require(crew == address(0), "already initialized");
        crew = msg.sender;

    function welcomeCrew() public pure returns (string memory _greeting) {
        return "Welcome to the truth...";
