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\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}
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\newcommand{\etal}{{\sl et al. }}

% NOTE: To produce blinded version, replace "0" with "1" below.

% DON'T change margins - should be 1 inch all around.

        &Tobin's Q  &Total Q &  Enterprise Value Multiple & Operating Cash Flow &   EBITDA \
        Constituency Statute (-2 or -1) * Tech\&Pharma Industries   &-0.0242    &0.0125 &0.985  &-0.0159    &-0.0097\
        &-0.074 &-0.123 &-0.728 &-0.014 &-0.01\
        Constituency Statute (0) * Tech\&Pharma Industries  &-0.0607    &-0.0352    &0.7701 &-0.0122    &-0.0115\
        &-0.065 &-0.165 &-0.588 &-0.016 &-0.011\
        Constituency Statute (+1) * Tech\&Pharma Industries     &0.0938 &0.1216 &1.3535**   &-0.0185    &0.0061\
        &-0.084 &-0.121 &-0.578 &-0.015 &-0.01\
        Constituency Statute (+2) * Tech\&Pharma Industries     &0.1098 &0.0849 &1.2928 &-0.0219    &-0.0077\
        &-0.094 &-0.128 &-0.793 &-0.015 &-0.012\
        Constituency Statute (3+) * Tech\&Pharma Industries     &0.1175***  &0.1593*    &1.5140***  &-0.0293**  &-0.0160** \
        &-0.041 &-0.093 &-0.556 &-0.012 &-0.006\
        Constituency Statute (-2 or -1)     &0.0937 &0.0748 &0.0524 &0.0089**   &0.0138** \
        &-0.058 &-0.09  &-0.319 &-0.004 &-0.005\
        Constituency Statute (0)    &0.0964*    &0.102  &0.1114 &0.0124 &0.0201*** \
        &-0.057 &-0.077 &-0.263 &-0.008 &-0.007\
        Constituency Statute (+1)   &0.0825 &0.0855 &0.1579 &0.0149***  &0.0150** \
        &-0.062 &-0.082 &-0.336 &-0.005 &-0.007\
        Constituency Statute (+2)   &0.0861 &0.1665**   &0.131  &0.0221***  &0.0144** \
        &-0.061 &-0.082 &-0.425 &-0.005 &-0.006\
        Constituency Statute (3+)   &0.0763*    &0.1288**   &0.2165 &0.0145***  &0.0083\
        0   &-0.042 &-0.056 &-0.336 &-0.005 &-0.005\
        Constant    &3.4313***  &2.5697***  &5.8824***  &-0.0131***     &0.0627*** \
        &-0.1   &-0.117 &-0.766 &-0.004 &-0.004\
        Control Variables   &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes \
        Firm FE     &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes \
        Industry-by-Year FE     &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes \
        State-by-Year FE    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes \
        Observations    &103287 &99728  &103094 &84902  &103287\
        Adjusted R2     &0.6    &0.542  &0.56   &0.632  &0.681\
        \multicolumn{6}{@{}p{1\textwidth}@{}}{\footnotesize This table reports the coefficient estimates of the dynamics of treatment effect of constituency statutes. The dependent variables are Tobin's Q (column 1), Total Q (column 2), Enterprise Value Multiple (column 3), Operating Cash Flow (column 4), and EBITDA (column 5). Constituency Statute ($- or $-) indicate observations in one and two years prior to the enactment of constituency statutes, Constituency Statute (0) indicates the year of the enactment, and Constituency Statute ($+), ($+) and (3$+$) indicate observations in one, two, and three or more years after the enactment respectively. All control variables are lagged by one year and are suppressed for brevity. All regressions include firm, state (of location) by year, and industry (Fama$-$French 12 industries) by year fixed effects. Singleton observations are dropped in regressions due to fixed effects (Correia, 2015). Robust standard errors are clustered at firm’s incorporation state level and are reported in parentheses below the coefficient estimates. ***, ** and * denote statistical significance at 1\%, 5\% and 10\% level respectively. See Appendix for detailed definitions for all variables.  
    \caption{Dynamics of treatment effect of constituency statutes $-$ continued Panel B}


您的列定义中不能有空行(...定义有点奇怪,如果没有 X 列,为什么要使用 tabularx?):

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}
\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amsthm, amssymb}
\newcommand{\etal}{{\sl et al. }}

% NOTE: To produce blinded version, replace "0" with "1" below.

% DON'T change margins - should be 1 inch all around.

        &Tobin's Q  &Total Q &  Enterprise Value Multiple & Operating Cash Flow &   EBITDA \
        Constituency Statute (-2 or -1) * Tech\&Pharma Industries   &-0.0242    &0.0125 &0.985  &-0.0159    &-0.0097\
        &-0.074 &-0.123 &-0.728 &-0.014 &-0.01\
        Constituency Statute (0) * Tech\&Pharma Industries  &-0.0607    &-0.0352    &0.7701 &-0.0122    &-0.0115\
        &-0.065 &-0.165 &-0.588 &-0.016 &-0.011\
        Constituency Statute (+1) * Tech\&Pharma Industries     &0.0938 &0.1216 &1.3535**   &-0.0185    &0.0061\
        &-0.084 &-0.121 &-0.578 &-0.015 &-0.01\
        Constituency Statute (+2) * Tech\&Pharma Industries     &0.1098 &0.0849 &1.2928 &-0.0219    &-0.0077\
        &-0.094 &-0.128 &-0.793 &-0.015 &-0.012\
        Constituency Statute (3+) * Tech\&Pharma Industries     &0.1175***  &0.1593*    &1.5140***  &-0.0293**  &-0.0160** \
        &-0.041 &-0.093 &-0.556 &-0.012 &-0.006\
        Constituency Statute (-2 or -1)     &0.0937 &0.0748 &0.0524 &0.0089**   &0.0138** \
        &-0.058 &-0.09  &-0.319 &-0.004 &-0.005\
        Constituency Statute (0)    &0.0964*    &0.102  &0.1114 &0.0124 &0.0201*** \
        &-0.057 &-0.077 &-0.263 &-0.008 &-0.007\
        Constituency Statute (+1)   &0.0825 &0.0855 &0.1579 &0.0149***  &0.0150** \
        &-0.062 &-0.082 &-0.336 &-0.005 &-0.007\
        Constituency Statute (+2)   &0.0861 &0.1665**   &0.131  &0.0221***  &0.0144** \
        &-0.061 &-0.082 &-0.425 &-0.005 &-0.006\
        Constituency Statute (3+)   &0.0763*    &0.1288**   &0.2165 &0.0145***  &0.0083\
        0   &-0.042 &-0.056 &-0.336 &-0.005 &-0.005\
        Constant    &3.4313***  &2.5697***  &5.8824***  &-0.0131***     &0.0627*** \
        &-0.1   &-0.117 &-0.766 &-0.004 &-0.004\
        Control Variables   &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes \
        Firm FE     &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes \
        Industry-by-Year FE     &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes \
        State-by-Year FE    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes    &Yes \
        Observations    &103287 &99728  &103094 &84902  &103287\
        Adjusted R2     &0.6    &0.542  &0.56   &0.632  &0.681\
        \multicolumn{6}{@{}p{1\textwidth}@{}}{\footnotesize This table reports the coefficient estimates of the dynamics of treatment effect of constituency statutes. The dependent variables are Tobin's Q (column 1), Total Q (column 2), Enterprise Value Multiple (column 3), Operating Cash Flow (column 4), and EBITDA (column 5). Constituency Statute ($- or $-) indicate observations in one and two years prior to the enactment of constituency statutes, Constituency Statute (0) indicates the year of the enactment, and Constituency Statute ($+), ($+) and (3$+$) indicate observations in one, two, and three or more years after the enactment respectively. All control variables are lagged by one year and are suppressed for brevity. All regressions include firm, state (of location) by year, and industry (Fama$-$French 12 industries) by year fixed effects. Singleton observations are dropped in regressions due to fixed effects (Correia, 2015). Robust standard errors are clustered at firm’s incorporation state level and are reported in parentheses below the coefficient estimates. ***, ** and * denote statistical significance at 1\%, 5\% and 10\% level respectively. See Appendix for detailed definitions for all variables.  
    \caption{Dynamics of treatment effect of constituency statutes $-$ continued Panel B}
