DeviceWatcher Updated 和 Removed 事件从不触发

DeviceWatcher Updated and Removed events never fire

我正在尝试使用 DeviceWatcher 来侦听 USB 设备。如果在我的应用程序启动时设备已插入,则 Added 事件会很好地触发并且我可以连接。但是,如果我在我的应用程序启动后插入设备,或者如果我拔下设备,则不会触发其他事件。我已将回调添加到已添加、已删除和已更新,这就是文档所说的需要回调才能正常工作的内容。我错过了什么?

private void Watcher_DeviceAdded(DeviceWatcher sender, DeviceInformation deviceInfo) {

    // Watcher may have stopped while we were waiting for our chance to run.
    if (IsWatcherStarted(sender)) {
        RaiseDeviceChanged(sender, deviceInfo.Id);

private void Watcher_DeviceUpdated(DeviceWatcher sender, DeviceInformationUpdate deviceInfoUpdate) {

    // Watcher may have stopped while we were waiting for our chance to run.
    if (IsWatcherStarted(sender)) {
        // Find the corresponding updated DeviceInformation in the collection and pass the update object
        // to the Update method of the existing DeviceInformation. This automatically updates the object
        // for us.
        foreach (var deviceInfoDisp in _resultCollection) {
            if (deviceInfoDisp.Id == deviceInfoUpdate.Id) {
                RaiseDeviceChanged(sender, deviceInfoUpdate.Id);

private void Watcher_DeviceRemoved(DeviceWatcher sender, DeviceInformationUpdate deviceInfoUpdate) {

    // Watcher may have stopped while we were waiting for our chance to run.
    if (IsWatcherStarted(sender)) {
        // Find the corresponding DeviceInformation in the collection and remove it
        foreach (var deviceInfoDisp in _resultCollection) {
            if (deviceInfoDisp.Id == deviceInfoUpdate.Id) {

        RaiseDeviceChanged(sender, deviceInfoUpdate.Id);

我意识到我将错误的 VID 和 PID 传递给了观察者。我正在使用 Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialDevice class 获取设备选择器,我将错误的 ID 传递给了静态方法。