Angular PrimeNg如何链接确认对话框

Angular PrimeNg how to chain confirmdialog

我正在使用 primeng ConfirmationService 来显示确认对话框。确认第一个对话框后,我想根据条件显示另一个对话框。但它不起作用。这是我的代码。谁能帮我解决这个问题?

    header: 'Begin',
    message: 'Are you sure you would like to start?',
    acceptLabel: 'Yes',
    rejectLabel: 'No',
    accept: () => {
        if(this.currentUserId !== workflow.assignedToId) {
                header: 'Reassign',
                message: 'reassign it to yourself?',
                acceptLabel: 'Yes',
                rejectLabel: 'No',
                accept: () => {
                    console.log('accept 2 diffeent user');
                reject: () => {
                    console.log('reject 2 diffeent user');
        } else {
            console.log('accept 1 same user');
    reject: () => {
        console.log('reject 1 same user');

您需要创建 2 个具有不同键值的 confirmDialog:

<p-confirmDialog [style]="{ width: '50vw' }" [baseZIndex]="10000" key="confirm1"></p-confirmDialog>
<p-confirmDialog  [style]="{ width: '50vw' }" [baseZIndex]="10000" key="confirm2" ></p-confirmDialog>

并且您需要像这样将密钥添加到 confirmationService 函数中:

confirm1() {
      message: 'Are you sure that you want to proceed?',
      header: 'Confirmation',
      icon: 'pi pi-exclamation-triangle',
      key: 'confirm1',
      accept: () => {
        this.msgs = [
            severity: 'info',
            summary: 'Confirmed',
            detail: 'You have accepted',
      reject: () => {
        this.msgs = [
            severity: 'info',
            summary: 'Rejected',
            detail: 'You have rejected',

  confirm2() {
      message: 'Do you want to delete this record?',
      header: 'Delete Confirmation',
      icon: 'pi pi-info-circle',
      key: 'confirm2',
      accept: () => {
        this.msgs = [
          { severity: 'info', summary: 'Confirmed', detail: 'Record deleted' },
      reject: () => {
        this.msgs = [
            severity: 'info',
            summary: 'Rejected',
            detail: 'You have rejected',

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